软骨细胞中提取RNA 骨关节炎软骨细胞衰老研究
Replicative senescence occurs when normal somatic cells
stop dividing. Senescent cells remain viable, but show alterations
in phenotype, e.g. altered expression of matrix
metalloproteinases (
); these enzymes are known to
be involved in cartilage destruction. It is assumed that cells
deplete their replicative potential during aging, and age
is a major risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA). Therefore,
we hypothesized that chondrocytes in aging or diseased
cartilage become senescent with associated phenotypic
changes contributing to development or progression
of OA. SPEX6770 全自动冷冻研磨机 SPEX6870 全自动冷冻研磨机 SPEX6970EFM 冷冻研磨机