
颠覆认知 重塑可能——赛默飞发布Orbitrap Astral 高分辨质谱仪新品

赛默飞色谱与质谱中国 2023-06-05



近日,赛默飞在2023年ASMS中发布了年内zuixin的Thermo Scientific TM OrbitrapTM AstralTM高分辨质谱仪


赛默飞Orbitrap Astral全新一代高分辨质谱仪,在四极杆、Orbitrap和新型的Astral质量分析器的协同作用下,这款革命性的新仪器实现了无与伦比的性能和覆盖组学领域的应用。这三种质量分析器的组合能够快速获取高质量、高分辨率、高灵敏度和宽动态范围的精确质量(HRAM)数据。该仪器的性能特点更适合从单细胞到批量样品的准确和精确的定量,同时达到前所未有的覆盖深度。







四极杆质量分析器——对Orbitrap Astral质谱仪的前端进行了灵敏度和耐用性的优化。

·         具有zuixin的离子源,以提高灵敏度

·         EASY-IC实时质量校准,以提高质量精度

·         通过主动离子导向的预过滤器降低噪音,提高仪器耐用性

·         先进的四极杆技术,提高传输,使隔离宽度降低到0.4 Th,更快的隔离切换时间仅为1 ms,并能实现自动切换以提高耐用性。

The front end of the Orbitrap Astral mass spectrometer has been optimized for sensitivity and robustness. This instrument features our brightest ion source to increase sensitivity, EASY-IC real-time mass calibration for improved mass accuracy, an advanced active beam guide that reduces noise and improves robustness through pre-filtering, and advanced quadrupole technology that improves transmission, enables isolation down to 0.4 Th with a faster isolation switching time of just 1 ms, and utilizes automatic configuration switching to increase robustness.






但Orbitrap Astral 高分辨质谱仪并不止于此。我们已经开发了一种全新的非对称轨道无损质量分析器,简称Astral,与Orbitrap质量分析器相辅相成。Astral质量分析器是赛默飞15年的研发成果,每个组件都经过协同优化,以更快的扫描速度和更高的灵敏度提供前所未有的性能水平。

离子首先从离子导向多极杆传输到离子处理器(Ion processor)中,该处理器以高达200 Hz的速度捕获并碎裂离子。然后,所得离子通过一系列注入透镜(injection optics)使其准确地对齐离子束并提高灵敏度。离子进入一个开放式的静电阱,并通过无网格的非对称离子镜(ion mirrors)和离子箔(ion foil)的组合进行非对称横向振荡,该离子镜可产生27米的非对称轨道,分辨率高达80000(@ m/z 524),离子箔则能在三个维度上使离子束保持形态和聚焦,以提高分辨率和灵敏度。离子的检测是由一个新型的高动态范围检测器进行检测,该检测器能够实现超高灵敏度的单个离子检测以及超过1000:1的高动态范围检测,并且低噪音和长寿命。Astral质量分析器的传输效率非常高,超过90%的离子进入质量分析器后到达检测器,实现超高灵敏度的同时不损失扫描速度和高分辨率。

But the Orbitrap Astral mass spectrometer doesn’t stop there. We’ve developed a novel Asymmetric Track Lossless analyzer, or Astral for short that perfectly complements the Orbitrap analyzer. The Astral analyzer is the culmination of 15 years of research and development, with each component having been optimized together to deliver an unprecedented level of performance with a faster scan rate and improved sensitivity.

Ions are first transferred from the ion routing multipole into the ion processor, which traps and fragments ions at speeds up to 200 Hz. Ions are then prepared and ejected through a series of injection optics that precisely align the ion packet to improve sensitivity. Ions enter an open electrostatic trap and are guided into asymmetric transversal oscillations by the combination of gridless asymmetric ion mirrors, which comprise a 27 meter asymmetric track to yield up to 80,000 resolution at m/z 524, and an ion foil, which continuously shapes and focuses ions in 3 dimensions to improve resolution and sensitivity. Detection is performed on a novel high dynamic range detector, which enables extremely sensitive single ion detection as well as a high dynamic range detection of greater than 1000:1 with low noise and a long lifetime. The Astral analyzer provides extremely high transmission with over 90% of the ions entering the analyzer reaching the detector, enabling extremely high sensitivity with high speed and resolution scanning.


赛默飞Orbitrap Astral全新一代高分辨质谱仪适用于:

·         高灵敏度检测与Astral分析器低样品上样,包括单细胞实验

·         jingzhun的非标定量(LFQ)和串联质量标签(TMT)的定量分析

·         在更广泛的动态范围可用于生物制药选择天然蛋白复合物的综合分析

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