采用猪支原体肺炎检测试剂盒诊断,将病猪分成三个组,diyi组用中药灯牛注射液ZL,平均疗程3天,治愈率达90%。第二组用丁胺卡那霉素ZL,平均疗程5天,治愈率只有70%。第三组不用任... 采用猪支原体肺炎检测试剂盒诊断,将病猪分成三个组,diyi组用中药灯牛注射液ZL,平均疗程3天,治愈率达90%。第二组用丁胺卡那霉素ZL,平均疗程5天,治愈率只有70%。第三组不用任何药物。结果表明,中药灯牛注射液ZL猪支原体肺炎的LX高于丁胺卡那霉素。
Using pig pneumoniae immuosorbent diagnosis, will be divided into three groups, a cow with Chinese traditional medicine group, the average lamp injection therapy treatment 3 days, cure rate is 90%. The second group, with an average amikacin treatment for five days, only 70% cure. The third group without any drugs. Results show that the medicine lamp cattle injection treatments pig pneumoniae efficacy than amikacin.