

The United States Pharmacopeia general chapter <1120>1 Raman Spectroscopy provides an informative introduction to the Raman effect, followed by general technical guidance. Raman has extremely broad applicability in pharmaceutical manufacturing and R&D, from inline process monitoring to polymorph screening with Raman microspectroscopy to incoming raw material ID testing. Therefore, not all elements of USP <1120> are relevant for qualitative analysis, especially the elements related to identity (ID) testing. Furthermore, the general chapter was written at a time when only manually configurable research and laboratory Raman systems were available.
Today, handheld dedicated Raman devices like TruScan have emerged to address specific challenges of incoming ID testing in the pharmaceutical industry. Since these devices have no user configurable hardware, a number of <1120> components relating to hardware function settings and tuning do not apply. This document calls out the components of USP <1120> that pertain to material ID testing, Ahura Scientifics interpretation of the statements (where necessary), and TruScans respective capabilities. Text in italics is always a direct quote from USP <1120>. 便携式激光拉曼光谱仪


