Vapor-phase adsorption kinetics of 1-decene-仪器网

Vapor-phase adsorption kinetics of 1-decene

We have investigated in situ and in real time vapor-phase adsorption kinetics of 1-decene on hydrogenated Si(111), using attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIRS). The Si surface is hydroge-nated in a NH4F solution. The p-polarized IR absorbance of SiH vibrational mode at 2083.7 cm1 and its absence in s-polarized IR absorption spectrum support that the Si(111) surface is terminated mostly with monohydrides prior to 1-decene exposure. The 1-decene adsorption and simultaneous dehydrogenation result in a decane self-assembled monolayer (SAM). We have employed contact angle goniometry and angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AR-XPS) to characterize the decane SAM prepared at substrate temperatures ranging from 30 to 180 C. Independent of the substrate temperature, the average sessile-drop water contact angle on decane SAM is 102 ± 2, indicative of its hydrophobicity. 接触角测量仪


