
多组学方法揭示了低水平 射线对水稻种子的影响

This Application Note describes the workfl ow for identifying the stress-related transcriptomics and metabolomics biomarkers in rice using Agilent multi-omics solutions. We studied the effects of low-level gamma radiation on seeds of rice plants grown in Iitate farm (ITF) of Iitate village in Fukushima prefecture, using Agilent sample preparation consumables, instrumentation, and software tools. We generated high quality transcriptomics/metabolomics data, and integrated them using Agilent GeneSpring/Mass Profi ler Professional (MPP) 13.1 Software. The combined multi-omics analysis revealed modulation of several metabolic and defense pathways related to the stress response of plants. Our results suggest that the rice plants grown in radionuclide-contaminated soil form seeds with an elevated defense capability against stress. This study demonstrates the Agilent multi-omics workfl ow for performing gene expression and metabolite analysis on samples derived from plant sources. Agilent 1290 Infinity II 液相色谱系统


