
快速筛查和定量分析复杂食品基质中的 240 种农药

This Application Note describes a UHPLC/Q
TOF/MS method for the detection
of 240 pesticides and pesticide metabolites in diffi cult food matrixes using
the Agilent All Ions MS/MS technique. The method benefi ts from increased
chromatographic resolution using the Agilent 1290 Infi nity UHPLC system and
improved ionization capa
bilities with Agilent Jet Stream ionization source. More
importantly, the successful screening and quantitation are accomplished by the
innate sensitivity improvement of the Agilent 6545 Q
TOF LC/MS system and
ion transmission tuning to facilitate the o
ptimal ion transmission of small fragile
organic molecules. The All Ions MS/MS technique features the easy acquisition
method setup and retrospective data interrogation with expanded library. Black
tea matrix was chosen for its complexity, and avocado m
atrix was chosen to
represent food commodities with high lipid content.
Our results demonstrate that the improved detection of small organic molecules
by the 6545 Q
TOF LC/MS system allows the screening and quantitation of most
of the targeted pesticid
es below the maximum residue limits (MRLs) specifi ed by
regulations Agilent 6545 四极杆飞行时间液质联用系统


