
Alternative-Protein and Plant-Based Food Testing Solutions

The development of alternative-protein and plant-based food products helps meet the growing need around the world for nutritious, sustainable foods. But these novel foods can be challenging to develop and manufacture. R&D and formulators must not only identify ingredients with the nutritional and functional properties needed to create the products, but they have to make them palatable. And once they have a reproducible formulation, there’s the challenge of scaling up production.

From R&D and formulation to consumer-ready foods, we’re here with you, helping drive innovation in the plant-based food market. Our advanced technology, vast range of analyzers and unparalleled testing expertise enable you to gain complete knowledge of ingredients and final-product quality and safety at every step of the production process.

Leverage our alternative-protein and plant-based food testing solutions to optimize production efficiency and profitability, while meeting customer expectations for food quality, safety, and taste.


