

Sulfur dioxide is the major environmental contaminant that contributes to smog and soot. The reduction of air pollu-tants is a worldwide goal that has become a focus for sustainable environmental development strategies. As emission standards increase, the waste gas cleaning system will be required to adapt or be upgraded. Wet FGD is character-ized as one of the most reliable and effective SO2 removal techniques, with the added benefit of low operating cost. However, implementation and maintenance is considered high.
Spray towers are essential elements in the emission cleaning system. Control of the droplets throughout the tower geometry is critical to ensuring maximum reduction and minimal sca领. In order to improve the scrubber, nozzle characteristics and placement must be optimized to reduce the cost of the system implementation and mitigate risks of inadequate pollution removal. A series of large flow rate, hydraulic full and hollow cone injectors were investi-gated for this study.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations were used to examine a standard industrial-size wet scrubber design for injection system optimization. ANSYS Fluent solvers were used with Lagrangian particle tracking meth-od for heat and mass transfer between gas and liquid. The alkaline sorbent material and SO2 reaction was modeled to determine uniformity and efficacy of the system. Surface chemical mechanisms were used to simulate the reaction rate. Drop size, liquid rheology, and injector array layout were examined to achieve SO2 removal above 90%. Wall impingement and flow pattern results were evaluated, due to their impact in minimizing equipment corrosion and plugging. Artium PDI-FP 双量程可机载飞行探头 激光相位多普勒干涉仪LDV,PDI,PDPA,PDA 激光诱导白炽光(LII)烟气分析仪


