Residue Pesticides Analysis by Bruker 320-MS-仪器网

Residue Pesticides Analysis by Bruker 320-MS

There are currently over 1,000 pesticides in use worldwide
in the production of foodstuffs. The use of pesticides is
required to meet growing consumer demand for food at
reasonable prices, including food out of season. There is a
significant risk to human health and the environment due
to increased pesticide use, poor agricultural practices and
illegal use. Most countries have adopted strict regulations
governing pesticide usage, imposing Maximum Residue
Limits (MRLs) for pesticides [1]. These levels are set
well below perceived safety levels and therefore require
analytical techniques that are sensitive, selective and
robust. Pesticide control laboratories are now under
increased pressure to maximize the range of pesticides
detected in a single run and in complex matrices. By
developing a multi-residue method, laboratories can lower
their cost per analysis and increase sample throughput,
thereby maximizing returns from the investment in analytical
The Bruker 320-MS has fast scanning capabilities that allow
at least two transitions for each pesticide to be monitored
during a single analytical run. The analytical system easily
satisfies the SANCO2 requirements, with the ability to
set dwell times as low as 5 ms with no significant loss in


