
NEW Webinars:马萨诸塞州当地农场A/Ci曲线的实地评估:物种和栽培品种对远红光反应的差异


美国PP SYSTEMS公司将于美国东部时间2023年10月25日上午11点邀请美国俄亥俄州立大学 Dr. John Ertle为全球用户做题为“Field assessments of A vs. Ci curves at a local Massachusetts farm: Differences in species and cultivar responses to far-red light”的学术报告,有意者可访问美国PP SYSTEMS公司官网https://ppsystems.com/webinars/注册报名参加。

There are many applications in which A vs. Ci curves provide a more in-depth understanding of the plant physiology of horticulturally important crops under multiple environmental conditions. These curves help identify the maximum photosynthetic rate in relation to CO2 concentration. Additionally, they are used to improve crop selection and management, and identify responses to environmental stress, among other applications. Responses of plants to environmental conditions and CO2 are known to differ considerably between species. However, there are also vast differences between cultivars within species, which may assist breeders in cultivar selections or growers in crop management.

In this webinar, we will discuss A/Ci curves of various species and cultivars at a local Massachusetts farm and the impact of far-red light on photosynthesis.

John Ertle earned his MS (2020) and Ph.D. (2023) at The Ohio State University where he worked with Dr. Chieri Kubota, specializing in applied research problems. His MS work explored abiotic stress tolerance of grafted fruiting vegetable crops, while his Ph.D. focus was nutrient deficiency of lettuce grown in indoor farms.

