NEW Webinar缺磷会导致发育迟缓,但这到底意味着什么?
欢迎点击「」↑关注我们!未经允许,禁止任何网站及个人转载摘编美国PP SYSTEMS公司将于国际协调时间2024年6月11日上午11点邀请美国佛罗里达大学Marlon Retana-Cordero 博士为全球用户做题为“Phosphorus deficiency leads to stunting, but what does that really mean?”的学术报告,有意者可访问美国PP SYSTEMS公司官网注册报名参加。
Join us as Marlon Retana-Cordero presents his research on the connection between Phosphorous (P) deficiencies and Carbon (C) gain and loss in Southern Highbush Blueberry (SHB, Vaccinium corymbosum interspecific hybrids). Marlon’s research examines young plants under P-deficiencies to estimate the consequences of growing SHB under these conditions.
About Mr. Retana-Cordero
Marlon Retana-Cordero received his bachelor’s degree in Agronomy at the University of Costa Rica, after which he completed his Master’s Degree in Environmental Horticulture at the University of Florida in 2021 thanks to a scholarship through the University of Florida Field and Fork Farm Campus Food Program. His thesis focused on ginger and turmeric production as alternative crops for Florida. In 2022, Marlon was selected by the Horticultural Sciences Department to receive the University of Florida CALS Dean’s Award. Currently, Marlon is a Ph.D. candidate under the mentorship of Dr. Gerardo Nunez in the Small Fruit Horticulture Lab. His research focuses on phosphorus nutrition in blueberries.