

我们的量子效率系统已经与重新设计的Cornerstone 130B单色仪集成在一起,从而提供了升级的性能,同时保持相同的整体系统平台。这些解决方案使研究人员能够测量任何光伏器件的内部量子效率 (IQE) 和外部量子效率 (EQE),也称为入射光子到电荷载流子效率 (IPCE)。这些系统采用业界领先、经久耐用的光学性能组件,在出厂时已进行预配置、组装和校准。该产品是一个统包解决方案,包括所有必要的组件与集成光源、单色仪、探测器、电子器件、软件甚至计算机。

  • 比上一代更快的扫描速度和改进的系统通信
  • 接近两倍的速度,可将测量时间减半
  • 覆盖325-1800nm范围的完整的统包 PV 效率测量解决方案
  • 坚固、紧凑的设计,可以ZD限度减少实验室空间
  • 可以同时进行 IQE、EQE 和光谱响应测量
  • 用户友好型、基于图标的软件界面,可以使校准和 IQE 测量更加简单



波长范围 350-1100 nm 325-1800 nm
光斑尺寸 0.80 x 1.0 +0.1/-0.0 mm 1.1 x 1.2 ±0.1 mm at focus
工作距离 74 ±1 mm 85 ±1 mm
带宽 1-40 nm (FWHM) 1-40 nm (FWHM)
波长精度 ± 0.5 nm ±0.5 nm
偏振 2:1 linear, S-polarized (at sample) 2:1 linear, S-polarized (at sample)
探测器类型 Silicon, large area Patented summed Si/Ge bounce
灯类型 100W Xenon 100W Xenon
测量类型 Chopped beam AC measurement with virtual lock-in amplifier Chopped beam AC measurement with virtual lock-in amplifier
分辨率 0.1 Hz (for 4-100 Hz chopper frequency) 0.1 Hz (for 4-100 Hz chopper frequency)
电压范围 ±10 V (measurement) ± 10V (measurement)
增益 Sample DC Settings: 10, 100, 1k, 10k, 100k, 1M, 10M
AC Settings: 1, 10, 100, 1000
Sample DC Settings: 10, 100, 1k, 10k, 100k, 1M, 10M
AC Settings: 1, 10, 100, 1000
电流范围 10 nA – 1.0 A 10 nA – 1.0 A
偏置电压 ±10 V up to 0.5 A ±10 V up to 0.5 A
电压分辨率 0.1 V (bias) 0.1 V (bias)
尺寸 0.54 x 0.85 x 0.40 m
(21.1 x 33.4 x 14.6 in.)
0.54 x 0.85 x 0.40 m
(21.1 x 33.4 x 14.6 in.)
重量 31.8 kg (70 lbs) 31.8 kg (70 lbs)
电源要求 100-115 VAC, 3 A, 48-66 Hz
220-240 VAC, 1.5 A, 48-66 Hz
100-115 VAC, 3 A, 48-66 Hz
220-240 VAC, 1.5 A, 48-66 Hz
工作温度范围 23 ±5 °C 23 ±5 °C
存储温度范围 -40 to +70 °C -40 to +70 °C
工作湿度 <85% relative, non-condensing <85% relative, non-condensing


Oriel Quantum Efficiency System Set Up Demonstration

Getting any quantum efficiency system up and running is a straightforward process, as demonstrated in this video.

Extended Wavelength Detector Design

The QuantX-300 features a patent-pending summed Si/Ge detector design to provide a seamless, wide wavelength range. With traditional systems, two different detectors are needed to cover the wavelength ranges of Silicon and Germanium, requiring operators to stop scans and change detectors while scanning over the whole wavelength range. With the QuantX-300, continuous scans from 325 to 1800 nm can be accomplished without swapping detectors, saving time and removing the possibility of having the wrong detector in place. Our IQE-200B utilizes only a Silicon detctor, however Newport can upgrade this system to include a summed Si/Ge detector design – contact us for more information.


全新 IQE 200B 运用了 Newport 在光学设计、光谱、精确运动控制和电子技术领域的专业优势。这些优势可集中在一个完整、先进的量子效率(EQE 和 IQE)测量系统。IQE 200B 使用已申请ZL的分束器结构,可以同时测量 EQE 以及量化 反射损耗的IQE。带有热敏电阻的集成真空卡盘是该型号的一大特点。该型号还包含 4 线传感,能够拓宽采样大小和采样效率的ZD范围。

Additional Accessories

Newport offers a variety of accessories, sold separately, to provide a complete measurement station including:

  • Temperature controlled vacuum chuck
  • Light biasing
  • Electrical probing
  • Water chiller
  • Vacuum pump (110 or 220 VAC)
  • Light Tight Enclosure for QuantX-300
  • Optical tables, workstations and breadboards (IG-23-2 industrial grade honeycomb core breadboard is recommended)



IQE 200B 的采集和控制软件已经预安装在测量系统附带的笔记本电脑上。该软件采用直观的、基于图标的图形界面来进行仪器控制、配置和数据采集。软件可无缝控制所有系统组件。在单次扫描中即可计算并绘制波长的 EQE 和 IQE 曲线,而无需重新定位探测器或样品,从而优化测量精度和重复定位精度。


我们自豪于能够容纳和管理世界上为数不多的商业光伏和校准测试实验室之一。 光伏校准和测试实验室已通过A2LA的ISO / IEC 17025标准认证,使用状态为 符合ASTM E948和E1021标准的测量设备。 实验室欢迎要求进行原型光伏设备性能测量或光伏参比电池校准的要求。 灵活的计划和快速的周转时间可确保对时间敏感设备的停机时间最少。


Legacy QEPVSI-B Information

While the legacy QEPVSI-B system is no longer available for ordering, contact your Newport representative for more information on ordering a special variant of this measurement system, utilizing our CS260B series of monochromators. Please see the legacy product datasheet and operational guide, to see if this alternative solution would be an ideal fit for your application.
