

Perfect Low-Cost Solution: 

   High Accuracy 

   Good Optical performance

   latest processes (e.g. UV-NIL) 

Addressed Markets: 



   Compound Semiconductors

   Nano Imprint Lithography 

Manual Tool: Easy To Operate 

Technical Data 

   Wafer size: 1′′ up to 100 mm / 4′′ (round)

   Min. pieces: 5 x 5 mm

   Wafer thickness: up to 4 mm

   Mask size: standard 2′′ x 2′′ up to 5′′ x 5′′ (SEMI) 

   Mask thickness: up to 4.8 mm / 190 mil 

Exposure Modes 

   Contact: soft, hard, vacuum, soft vacuum 

   Proximity up to 50μm gap 


   UV250, UV300, UV400 and broadband optics

   Intensity Uniformity ± 3% on 100mm

   Constant power or constant intensity

   Lamp sizes: 200W, 350W, 500W (for UV250)

   Resolution down to 0,5 μm L/S (vacuum contact, UV250) 


   TSA alignment accuracy: 0.5μm (with SUSS recommended wafer targets) 

   Transmitted IR Alignment accuracy: < 5μm (<2μm under special process conditions)

   Alignment gap:10–50μm 

Single or splitfield microscope with/w/o CCD camera 

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