
布鲁克TI Premier 高精度纳米力学测试系统

布鲁克Hysitron TI Premier高精度纳米力学测试系统是布鲁克公司研制的自动化、高通量测试仪器,通过纳米级位成像,可实现压痕、划痕和磨损过程的纳米尺度原位可视化表征。Hysitron(海思创)应用其工艺领先的ZG技术“三板电容传导”,从源头上保证了仪器稳定性和灵敏度。使用Hysitron(海思创)纳米力学材料检测系统通过探针可以获得材料微区的硬度、弹性模量、摩擦系数、磨损率、断裂刚度、失效、蠕变、粘附力(结合力)等力学数据。后续可选择升级模块有高温台、电学性能测试、湿度控制模块、冷台、与拉曼连用等。不仅在微纳米水平上开展力学行为特性的研究,还可以进行纳米尺寸上的机械加工。

The Hysitron TI Premier is adaptable to meet specific research needs. Common configurations include:

TI Premier Quasistatic Nanoindentation

Quasi-Static Nanoindentation 
Multipurpose configuration, optimized for mechanical characterization of thin films and coatings

TI Premier Dynamic Nanoindentation

Dynamic Nanoindentation
Quasi-static and dynamic mechanical property characterization over a broad range of materials, from ultra-soft to ultra-hard

TI Premier High Temperature Nanoindentation

High Temperature Nanoindentation 
Investigate mechanical properties and time-dependent deformation behavior as a function of temperature, up to 800°C

TI Premier MultiScale

Multi-Scale Indentation 
Depth-sensing indentation over the nanometer and micrometer length scales


结构: 立式仪器分类: 液压
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