Thermal Desorption, Tenax TA™, Sample drying, Herbs,
The analysis of volatiles in solids is a common analytical
problem. Examples include volatile aroma compounds in
foods (coffee, tea, herbs), residual fragrances from soaps and
fabric softeners on textiles, and volatiles in polymer resins,
films and plastic products. When high sensitivity analysis
is needed, many of these sample types can be analyzed by
direct thermal desorption with cryotrapping before the GC
A wide variety of sample types can contain significant
levels of water. This poses significant challenges when doing
direct thermal desorption and cryotrapping for analysis of
volatiles, since water can accumulate and freeze in an inlet
or at the head of a column. Introduction of significant levels
of water into the GC column can degrade chromatographic
performance and shorten column lifetime.
There are several strategies that are useful to reduce
the introduction of water into a GC when doing thermal
desorption. These range from offline thermal extraction
with trapping of volatiles on adsorbent beds to incorporating drying steps into the thermal desorption process itself.
Estimating the amount of water that can be eliminated
with each of these approaches is a challenge.
Volatiles in solid samples containing up to 90%
water were analyzed by direct thermal desorption incorporating
different drying strategies. Offline thermal
extraction utilizing Tenax TA™ adsorbent was the most
effective approach for eliminating large amounts of
water while effectively retaining low boi领 analytes.
Small amounts of water (tens of milligrams) can be
eliminated from samples by using Tenax TA™ packed
inlet liners cooled to 20-40°C. General guidelines for
choosing appropriate steps for eliminating different
levels of water are summarized. 德国Gerstel热脱附系统 TDS 3
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