
意大利COSTA科斯塔TOP LEATHER汽车内饰革整饰生产线

意大利COSTA科斯塔TOP LEATHER汽车内饰革整饰生产线

COS.T.A. srl成立于2000年,是一家意大利专业械制设备造商,总部位于维琴察,毗邻意大利皮革重镇 Arzignano


专业设计和制造的设备和生产线用于***、超纤仿***和合成革等行业的特殊加工,包括涂饰、整理、涂层、压花、印刷、凝固、复合等技术。公司由三名在涂层领域具有长期经验的技术人员创建,现已发展成为一个***,尤其在汽车内饰***革和超纤仿***细分领域, 因其创新的加工技术和设备被国际***的豪华车品牌认可,在国际市场上广受赞誉。















The “TOP LEATHER” system consists in a leather finishing (full grain or crust) by spraying waterborne products, to be able to get a result as much as like the original look of the leather. First, the leather remains extremely soft, for no adhesive layers, nor strong pressures or high temperatures are used in the refinishing process.


TOP LEATHER”系统包括通过喷涂水性产品进行皮革涂饰(全粒面或crust),以获得与皮革原始外观相同的效果。首先,皮革保持非常柔软的,因为在表面整饰过程中没有粘合层,也没有使用过强的压力或高温。



The first passage consist in unrolling a silicone embossed paper, on which a thin layer of transparent or coloured product is coated – such product is used to make the leather removal easier, to protect the paper during the process and, once dried, to be transferred onto the leather, so it can gain the necessary strength to be used in a variety of sectors.




From the other end of the line, the leather is introduced in a spraying cabin, is sprayed with a waterborne resin of the desired colour, predried and laminated onto the paper to transfer the other product and cover the small flaws on the leather. At this point the leather travels back to the start of the line, to be removed from the paper.






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