
Countess II FL全自动细胞计数仪

2018-05-06 20:01:43 上海宾智生物科技有限公司


Invitrogen™ Countess™ II FL全自动细胞计数仪带有可重复使用玻片和荧光能力(明场和两个可换荧光通道),可以进行细胞计数、荧光蛋白表达监控和细胞活力测定。


一次性玻片和枪头的购买费用使得很多实验室放弃了使用全自动细胞计数仪。为了应对这一问题,Countess II FL计数仪的设计允许使用可重复使用的玻片,从而显著降低了全自动细胞计数的长期耗材费用。对于想要方便的一次性玻片的研究者,Countess II FL计数仪仍然可以使用Z初用于Countess细胞计数仪的PMMA塑料玻片。

“它的表现超过了我们SY过的所有其它竞争者的仪器。”Michael DaCosta, The Jackson Laboratory


Countess全自动细胞计数仪包含先进的全自动对焦和计数算法,从而快速极ng确地找到并计数细胞(图1)。Countess计数仪适合于多种细胞类型和细胞系,并且我们已经在很多常用细胞系上对其使用进行了验证。插入玻片后,Countess计数仪会全自动对焦于细胞平面,从而减少由于手动对焦造成的用户间计数差异。细胞大小在~7 µm至60 µm之间并且其悬浮密度为1 x 104 到1 x 107 细胞/mL时,计数表现**。

  • 下载应用说明:Countess II全自动细胞计数仪和细胞计数板比较

cell counting user variability

图1. 使用细胞计数板和使用Countess II计数仪的用户间计数差异比较。
相同的A549, COS-7, HeLa和U2OS细胞样本分别由三名不同操作者使用Countess II细胞计数仪和手动细胞计数板和显微镜计数。结果显示使用细胞计数板的用户间计数差异显著大于使用Countess II计数仪。

Figure 1. User variability counting with a hemocytometer compared to using a Countess II instrument. Identical samples of A549, COS-7, HeLa, and U2OS cells were counted by three different operators using a Countess II Cell Counter and then manually with a hemocytomer and microscope. The user-to-user variability for the hemocytometer is much higher than for the Countess II instrument.

Easily gate cells and view histograms

Cells can be easily gated based on cell size, brightness, and circularity to fine-tune precisely what is included or excluded for specific applications. View the histogram by selecting the graph icon, and watch the changes in real time as you use the gating features. The average cell size is also displayed on the histogram (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Histogram is updated to reflect gating changes. Multiple gating options can be selected separately for live cells and dead cells, allowing easy inclusion or exclusion of debris or specific populations.

Dilution calculator

Easily determine the amount of cell sample and buffer needed for your experiment with the built-in dilution calculator. The cell count results are automatically used in the calculation; simply input the desired concentration and the volume needed (Figure 3).

Figure 3. A dilution calculator quickly determines the amount of cell sample and buffer needed.

Streamline your workflow with custom profiles

Custom profiles can be saved and easily accessed from the capture and results screens (Figure 4). Settings for cell size, brightness, and circularity as well as fluorescence thresholds can be customized and saved for easy retrieval.

Figure 4. Easily access custom assay profiles.

Printable report with cell counting results

Using the USB port on the Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter, you can save your cell count results and images, and then transfer them to your own computer. Image files can be saved as TIF, PNG, or JPG files, and the results are saved as a CSV file. A printable PDF report with results, images, and settings used can also be saved (Figure 5).

Figure 5. PDF report with results and images.


使用细胞计数板手动计数(可长达5分钟)比使用Countess II全自动细胞计数仪计数(仅需10s)所花费的额外时间作为额外的成本经常被忽视。如果使用带有可重复使用玻片的全自动计数仪,每个人每天计数5块玻片(每块玻片2个样本)则每月可节省大约10个小时。如果使用一次性玻片,则每月可节省的时间达到大约15小时(图2)。这些额外节省的时间可以用于实验室的其它活动,这使用全自动细胞计数仪显著优于手动计数。

time savings with Countess Automated Cell Counter

图2. 使用全自动细胞计数仪比使用细胞计数板每月节省的估计时间。
Figure 6. Estimated hours saved per month when switching from counting cells with a hemocytometer to using an automated cell counter.


流式细胞仪和细胞计数板加显微镜的手动细胞计数是荧光蛋白表达分析的金标准,但两者均要求对使用者进行高级训练和相对较贵的仪器。Countess II FL全自动细胞计数仪有两种可选、可换的荧光通道。计数仪所采集的颜色由插入的光立方决定,可选的光立方超过20种。

Countess II FL全自动细胞计数仪计数可达到相当的极ng确度,但出结果的时间更快,成本更低,并且降低了用户间计数差异(图3)。

图3. 和流式细胞仪对PBMC计数的比较。Countess II FL计数仪安装了EVOS™ GFP和Texas Red™光立方。PBMC细胞使用5μg/mL 和3 μg/mL的吖啶橙和乙锭进行染色,以便分别找出所有细胞和死细胞。相同的样本使用Attune NxT流式细胞仪进行了分析,确认了Countess II FL计数仪的结果。


Countess II FL计数仪有两个荧光通道。不同颜色荧光的采集取决于所安装的光立方。Countess II FL计数仪有超过2种光立方可选,因此检测范围不于表达GFP和RFP的细胞。想测定使用RFP表达载体转染并带有蓝色细胞核染色的细胞的转染效率?没问题。只需安装RFP和DAPI光立方,就可以对总细胞和RFP表达细胞进行计数并极ng确测定转染效率。

使用Texas Red光立方可以用于分析mCherry表达细胞,mCherry是一种很受欢迎并常用的荧光蛋白。要获得这些细胞的活力信息,仅需从多种颜色中选择一种满足应用要求的活细胞/死细胞固定染料。这一灵活的光谱选择使用Countess II FL计数仪的EVOS可互换光立方即可实现(图4)。

  • 阅读应用说明: Countess II FL全自动细胞计数仪荧光活性检测

  • 下载应用说明: Countess II FL全自动细胞计数仪血细胞计数

screenshot showing two-color fluorescent cell counting on the Countess II FL

图4. 检测GFP和Texas Red表达细胞。
将活细胞和热灭活的细胞固定并使用calcein AM 和LIVE/DEAD活性/细胞毒性试剂盒提供的ethidium同聚物染色。然后使用Countess II FL全自动细胞计数仪的GFP和 Texas Red光立方进行分析。

Figure 7. Gating based on fluorescence intensity. (A) The dim cells (around 50 RFU) have been excluded from the GFP-positive count. (B) Two fluorescence colors are present, each of which can be gated by size, brightness, circularity, and fluorescence intensity.
