2016-04-221632Nominations are invited for the SETARAM-ICTAC Award to be presented at the 16th International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Congress to be held in Orlando, Florida, USA in August 2016.
The Award will be made to the person who has, in the judgement of the ICTAC Scientific Awards Committee and the ICTAC Council, made an outstanding contribution to the science of calorimetry (preferably out, or not only, in the scope of DSC) or who has shown significant leadership in or made an outstanding contribution to the profession of calorimetry. The Award will consist of a plaque, an honorarium of $1000, travel and living expenses at the 16th ICTAC Congress and the Congress registration fee.
The previous winners of the award are I. Wadsö, Sweden (2000); H. Suga, Japan (2004); I. Lamprecht, Germany (2008); A. Beezer (UK), (2012).
Nominations 首ld include a letter of nomination by the proposer, a letter of consent to the nomination by the candidate, curriculum vitae, list of publications, and any other relevant supporting material. Up to two letters of support may also be supplied. The complete nominating material 首ld be sent, in electronic format to Professor E.L.Charsley, Chairman of the ICTAC Scientific Awards Committee ( by the 30th November 2015.