行业应用: | 石油/化工 化学化工原料 |
For decades, cryopreservation has been used for plant cells, unfertilized (oocytes)/fertilized (zygotes) human and animal eggs, and male sperm cells. The cryopreservation process typically involves using liquid nitrogen to quickly deep freeze the cells to -196°C allowing all metabolic processes to stop, preserving them for storage, shipping, or future use.When thawed, the cells resume their normal metabolic processes. 数十年来,冷冻法一直被人们用来保存细胞、卵子、受精卵、精子等。冷冻过程是用液氮将细胞快速冷却到-196度以便使细胞停止代谢,这样就可以方便地进行储存,运输以备将来使用。一旦解冻,细胞恢复代谢。