
昊量/auniontech 大靶面CCD/CMOS传感器


  C640 for 3D Tererain Mapping Camera

- 4000 linear image sensor, PGA, 12 bit ADC output 
- Destructive / Non destructive readout mode 
- Global exposure control pin to control integration time 
- Low fixed pattern noise, high dynamic range

C650 for Hyper-Spectral Imager Camera

- 256 x 512 area sensor, PGA, 12 bit ADC output 
- 50 μm x 50 μm pixel size 
- Snap shot function, up to 250 ms integration time
- Row wise response compensation, dark voltage cancellation 
- < 1 % of the linearity

High resolution sensors

- 10,000 x 10,000 area sensor 

-  5um  x 5 μm pixel size 

-  Pixel readout rate: 2fps

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