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当前位置:仪器网>产品中心> 艾卡(广州)仪器设备有限公司>加热 / 制冷 / 控温>控温箱>IKA 控温箱 INC 125 FS digital (SP25)

IKA 控温箱 INC 125 FS digital (SP25)






INC 125 FS digital (SP25) INC 125 FS digital is the first incubator shaker with a patented removable shaking platform. Without the shaking platform, the unit can be used like a normal incubator. The large inner chamber with a volume of 125 liters offers space for up to 6 grid shelves (without shaking platform).
Thanks to high temperature stability and a uniform shaking motion that improves oxygenation, the incubation shaker is the perfect so0lution for cell cultivation and other microbiological applications.

Patented removable shaker platform
• High shaking speed up to 300 rpm
• Shaking stroke: 25 mm (optional: 20 mm) for optimum oxygen input
• The shaker platform can be pulled out halfway (with line indicator) for comfortable and tilt-proof loading.
• The threaded grid on the platform allows the mounting of fixing clips or STICKMAX adhesive mat for different vessels and sizes
• Automatic detection of the shaker platform allows the temperature to be automatically adjusted in decontamination mode (100 or 120°C)
• When the door is opened, the shaking function stops automatically
• Shaking and temperature control function can be used independently of each other

Easy to clean
• Simple cleaning of the interior thanks to rounded corners and flat surfaces made of corrosion-resistant material AISI 304
• The optional drip pan provides additional safety in case of liquid overflow or can be used as water reservoir to increase humidity in the chamber
• Decontamination mode for disinfection and reduction of cross-contamination (100/120°C)

Optimal temperature control
• Wide temperature range: RT +8°C to 80 °C
• Excellent temperature management and optimized energy consumption thanks to very good insulation of the inner chamber and triple-glazed door with window
• Internal air circulation can be influenced by electronically adjustable fan speed (0-100%)

Simple and intuitive operation
• Very large LCD display for easy reading
• Large viewing window and switchable interior lighting for observation of samples
• Counter, timer and timer auto (temperature-controlled) function to ensure reproducible test conditions

Versatile accessories
• Up to two devices (incubator shaker or incubator) can be stacked (with corresponding accessories)
• Different trays available
• Shaking platform available with 20 or 25 mm shaking stroke

• Door hinge on the right, changeable on request
• Installation and Operation Qualification (IQ/OQ) available on request

  • INC 125 FS digital
  • shaker platform SP25
  • Wire grid tray, chrome plated
  • Tilt protection (2 个/包)
  • USB A-B Cable

加热输出功率750 W
ZD工作温度室温 +8 - 80 °C
调节和显示精度0.1 K
Temperature stability (37°C @22°C)0.1 ±°K
Temperature homogeneity (37°C @22°C)0.2 ±°K
Temperature heat up time (37°C @22°C)12 min
Temperature door recovery (37°C @22°C)2 min
ZD设置时间100 d
单个隔板ZD承重20 kg
内腔工作面积550 x 550 x 415 mm
内腔总容积125 l
符合DIN 12880的热安全装置TB class 1
Cleaning thermal decontamination (100°C / 2h)
周转直径25 mm
速度范围10 - 300 rpm
允许震荡承重量(含夹具)7.5 kg
工作盘外形尺寸340 x 480 mm
Power consumption at 37°C95 W
外形尺寸700 x 720 x 635 mm
重量70 kg
允许环境温度15 - 32 °C
允许相对湿度80 %
DIN EN 60529 保护方式IP 20
电压200 - 240 V
频率50/60 Hz
仪器输入功率850 W
ZD输入功率850 W
仪器输入功率 待机2 W
保险丝2x T5.0A 250V




