
熔体拉伸流变仪与挤出机联用Rheotens-Mastercurves and

行业应用: 纺织/印染/服装/皮革 皮革/毛皮/箱/包
Abstract:In a Rheotens experiment, the tensile force needed for elongation of an extruded filament is measured as a function of the draw ratio. For thermo-rheologically simple polymer melts, the existence of Theotens-mastecurves is proven. Also, for polymer melts with different average molar masses, but similar molar mass distribution and branching structure, Rheotens-mastercurves are invariant to changes in the average molar mass. It si shown, by testing several polyethylenes with different molar mass distribution and different long-chain branching, that Rheotens-mastercurves allow a direct and quantitative assessment of the drawability of polymer melts under actual processing conditions. i.e. under the action of a constant tensile force and including the effects. 高特福熔体拉伸流变仪RHEOTENS 71.97
