

大专| 1-3年| 1人
上海 浦东新区
Three to five years selling experience in analytical and semiconductor/electronic market.? Ensures implementation schedules and support activities are aligned with commitments to customers and to management.? Serves as customer advocate and ensures that any major conflicts with customers are resolved.
OEM / Key account customer installation and repair coordination.? Handle daily sales call, onside customer visit? Develops sales plan that includes opportunity map, target accounts, forecast, sales strategies, tactics and resource requirements.? Application and tech. support both customer and business partner? Builds commitment and closure at each stage of the sales process.? Prepares for each sales call and visit for sets specific call/visit objectives.? Asks questions to understand customers’ requirements and priorities.? Manages the sales contract for process review and negotiation.? Explains selling pricing policies and constructs an accurate proposal.? Coordinates efforts with relevant individuals to address non-standard terms and conditions and gain appropriate approvals. Proactively meets with customers on a regular basis after close of deal to ensure customer satisfaction.