

Rose若无言 2006-10-18
Symposium Spotlights the State of the Science Nanotechnology research may still be in its infancy, but indications are good that the field will be growing up fast in the coming years. This promising trend was evident at the second Interna... Symposium Spotlights the State of the Science Nanotechnology research may still be in its infancy, but indications are good that the field will be growing up fast in the coming years. This promising trend was evident at the second International Symposium on Nanotechnology and Occupational Health, which was held in Minneapolis in early October 2005. Sponsored by NIOSH, the Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of Minnesota and the Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology at Rice University, the symposium showcased not only the progress that has been made in the study of nanotechnology’s workplace issues, but also the depth and breadth of questions that remain. Patrick O’Shaughnessy of the University of Iowa, Iowa City, considered the meeting “very productive. It brought together most of the players from health and safety. It was good to see the variety of academic, government and business people interested in ensuring that the health and safety topics and concerns are addressed as soon as possible. No one wants another asbestos problem to emerge.”He notes that several talks and poster sessions on toxicology showed data implying that nanoparticles tested may not be as reactive as first suspected. In addition, there was a general consensus that typical mass-based measurements will not be adequate when evaluating a workplace because of nanoparticles’ small size and low mass. “Interestingly, devices that measure particle surface area may be very useful because the particles have an extremely large surface-to-volume ratio, and therefore, a greater potential to react with lung tissue,” O’Shaughnessy says. Other topics of interest, adds Mark Hoover of NIOSH, Morgantown, W. Va., included how to organize health and safety programs and resources to manage nanoparticles effectively and safely, personal protective equipment and filtration, as well as whether existing information about micrometer particles can be extrapolated to the nanometer range. “The evidence is still developing,” Hoover says, “but many people will do investigations with multiple metrics so we can be sure.”Hoover was also impressed with the symposium’s international flavor. “You had a lot of networking going on between U.S. scientists and their colleagues from the Pacific Rim, the European Union, Australia and New Zealand,” he says. “Everybody is eager to get up to speed with their colleagues’ research.”

纳米研究仍处于起步阶段,但良好的迹象将会实地在今后几年快速成长. 这一良好的发展势头明显,在第二
纳米技术及职业健康国际研讨会,这是在明尼阿波利斯2005年10月上旬. 主办niosh,副总统办公室的研究工作,并在明尼苏达大学生物ZX
深度和广度的问题依然存在. 帕特里克o'shaughnessy的爱荷华大学、爱荷华城,认为这次会谈是"非常富有成果. 它汇集了大多数球员
从健康和安全. 有人看到好多种学术、政府和企业热衷于确保人民健康和生命安全议题和关切尽快处理. 没有人希望另石棉问题
测试可能不如diyi反应是怀疑. 此外,还有一个普遍共识是典型的群众基础还不够时,测量工作考核
"有趣的是,该装置可以测量粒子表面积粒子非常有用,因为有一个非常大的地对容积率、因此,一个更大的潜在反应与肺组织"o'shaughnessy说. 其他话题感兴趣,加入了niosh三月胡佛、摩根、特约va.,包括如何组织健康和安全计划和资源
防护装备和过滤,以及是否现有资料微米的纳米微粒可以外挂射程. "证据还在发展,"豪华
说"但是很多人会做调查,所以我们可以肯定多元度量"胡佛并加盖研讨会的国际色彩. "你有很多科学家和美国之间进行联网同事来自太平洋、欧盟、澳大利亚和新西兰,"他说. "每个人都急于起床速度与其同事的研究"
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