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suxingjiey284 2010-12-13 19:23:10 526  浏览
  • Abstract:Heavymetals,suchascadmium,copper,lead,chromiumandmercury,areimportantenvironmentalpollutants,particularlyinareaswithhighanthropogenicpressure.Theirpresenceinthea... Abstract: Heavy metals, such as cadmium, copper, lead, chromium and mercury, are important environmental pollutants, particularly in areas with high anthropogenic pressure. Their presence in the atmosphere, soil and water, even in traces can cause serious problems to all organisms, and heavy metal bioaccumulation in the food chain especially can be highly dangerous to human health. Heavy metals enter the human body mainly through two routes namely: inhalation and ingestion, ingestion being the main route of exposure to these elements in human population. Heavy metals intake by human populations through food chain has been reported in many countries. Soil threshold for heavy metal toxicity is an important factor affecting soil environmental capacity of heavy metal and determines heavy metal cumulative loading limits. For soil-plant system, heavy metal toxicity threshold is the highest permissible content in the soil (total or bioavailable concentration) that does not pose any phytotoxic effects or heavy metals in the edible parts of the crops does not exceed food hygiene standards. Factors affecting the thresholds of dietary toxicity of heavy metal in soil-crop system include: soil type which includes soil pH, organic matter content, clay mineral and other soil chemical and biochemical properties; and crop species or cultivars regulated by genetic basis for heavy metal transport and accumulation in plants. In addition, the interactions of soil-plant root-microbes play important roles in regulating heavy metal movement from soil to the edible parts of crops. Agronomic practices such as fertilizer and water managements as well as crop rotation system can affect bioavailability and crop accumulation of heavy metals, thus influencing the thresholds for assessing dietary toxicity of heavy metals in the food chain. This paper reviews the phytotoxic effects and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in vegetables and food crops and assesses soil heavy metal thresholds for potential dietary toxicity. 用翻译软件的免回,哥也有,真诚求助高手! 展开



  • 高江华663847 2010-12-14 00:00:00






Abstract:Heavymetals,suchascadmium,copper,lead,chromiumandmercury,areimportantenvironmentalpollutants,particularlyinareaswithhighanthropogenicpressure.Theirpresenceinthea... Abstract: Heavy metals, such as cadmium, copper, lead, chromium and mercury, are important environmental pollutants, particularly in areas with high anthropogenic pressure. Their presence in the atmosphere, soil and water, even in traces can cause serious problems to all organisms, and heavy metal bioaccumulation in the food chain especially can be highly dangerous to human health. Heavy metals enter the human body mainly through two routes namely: inhalation and ingestion, ingestion being the main route of exposure to these elements in human population. Heavy metals intake by human populations through food chain has been reported in many countries. Soil threshold for heavy metal toxicity is an important factor affecting soil environmental capacity of heavy metal and determines heavy metal cumulative loading limits. For soil-plant system, heavy metal toxicity threshold is the highest permissible content in the soil (total or bioavailable concentration) that does not pose any phytotoxic effects or heavy metals in the edible parts of the crops does not exceed food hygiene standards. Factors affecting the thresholds of dietary toxicity of heavy metal in soil-crop system include: soil type which includes soil pH, organic matter content, clay mineral and other soil chemical and biochemical properties; and crop species or cultivars regulated by genetic basis for heavy metal transport and accumulation in plants. In addition, the interactions of soil-plant root-microbes play important roles in regulating heavy metal movement from soil to the edible parts of crops. Agronomic practices such as fertilizer and water managements as well as crop rotation system can affect bioavailability and crop accumulation of heavy metals, thus influencing the thresholds for assessing dietary toxicity of heavy metals in the food chain. This paper reviews the phytotoxic effects and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in vegetables and food crops and assesses soil heavy metal thresholds for potential dietary toxicity. 用翻译软件的免回,哥也有,真诚求助高手! 展开
2010-12-13 19:23:10 526 1
The most common means of agitation of liquid media is by placing the culture vessels on a drum(for test tubes)or a disk(for flasks)slowly rotating around a near horizontal axis. This assures good aeration of the liquid cultures with little... The most common means of agitation of liquid media is by placing the culture vessels on a drum(for test tubes)or a disk(for flasks)slowly rotating around a near horizontal axis. This assures good aeration of the liquid cultures with little mechanical damage to the cells.Agitation can also be achieved by placing culture flasks on reciprocating or gyrotory platform shakers.Gyrotoy (horizontal rotary orbit)shakers are preferred over reciprocating (horizontal linear motion)ones for a variety of reasons .The performance of the gyrotory shaker is determined by the speed of agitation and angle position of the flasks,with optimal aeration occurring in flasks tilted about 45° from the vertical.A new shaker design is the "tapping" motion shaker in which the culture is agitated by a magnetic bar moving up and down.This vertical movement of the bar is less injurious to cells than rotary movement of the bar at the bottom of the flask used in some conventional culture systems. 展开
2008-05-30 20:14:03 649 2
摘要:从天然食用紫卷心菜中以水作溶剂提取紫红色素,分别用微波和超声波作辅助并对提取温度、时间及次数等工艺条件进了研究。实验结果表明,微波辅助之以水作溶剂提取天然食用紫卷心... 摘要:从天然食用紫卷心菜中以水作溶剂提取紫红色素,分别用微波和超声波作辅助并对提取温度、时间及次数等工艺条件进了研究。实验结果表明,微波辅助之以水作溶剂提取天然食用紫卷心菜中紫红色素效果Z好,Z佳提取条件为:微波火力为80,辐射时间180秒。 关键字:紫卷心菜;红色素;提取;微波;超声波。 展开
2009-05-15 15:29:46 338 2
Hollow polymeric spheres have been attracting increasing interest because of their potential applications, which range from targeted drug delivery to advanced functional materi- als.[1,2] Because of their hollow core structure, such poly... Hollow polymeric spheres have been attracting increasing interest because of their potential applications, which range from targeted drug delivery to advanced functional materi- als.[1,2] Because of their hollow core structure, such polymeric spheres can encapsulate large quantities of guest moleculesÐ especially those spheres with functionalities within the empty coreÐand release them at a later stage in a controlled man- ner. Although hollow polymeric spheres with dimensions in the micrometer and submicrometer regions are readily con- structedÐby layer-by-layer deposition of polyelectrolytes onto a template core,[3±6] polymerizing monomers in lipid vesi- cles,[7,8] emulsion polymerization,[9,10] pH-induced micelliza- tion of a grafted copolymer,[11] and by the assembly of posi- tively charged polyelectrolytes and negatively charged nanoparticles[12]Ðthe synthesis of hollow spheres 100 nm or less in size has only recently become the subject of research activity. Several different routes, such as the self-assembly of block copolymers in a selective solvent,[13,14] the deposition of polyelectrolytes on a decomplexable or soluble core,[15,16] and microemulsion (as well as miniemulsion) polymerization,[17,18] have been developed to form hollow polymeric nanospheres. Although some of these methods have been quite successful, these strategies require the core templates to be removed in order to create a hollow interior, or need large quantities of surfactants to form nanosized micelles. Furthermore, although the majority of the proposed applications of hollow nano- spheres or nanocapsules are concentrated in the biomedical field, most of the hollow polymeric spheres described to date are ill-suited for such purposes. Therefore, materials (in par- ticular for the surfaces of the hollow nanospheres) that are biocompatible, non-toxic, and sometimes also biodegradable, are highly desirable. Herein, we demonstrate a simple and di- rect method for fabricating hollow polymeric nanospheres with biocompatible and biodegradable macromolecules. In this approach, hollow polymeric nanospheres were formed in a completely aqueous system without the aid of surfactants, 展开
2013-11-13 05:23:50 396 1
换热器是化工、炼油、动力、食品、轻工等许多工业部门广泛应用的一种通用设备。其性能的好坏直接影响过程工业热经济性的高低。近年来,由于能源危机,强化传热技术和新型换热器的研究... 换热器是化工、炼油、动力、食品、轻工等许多工业部门广泛应用的一种通用设备。其性能的好坏直接影响过程工业热经济性的高低。近年来,由于能源危机,强化传热技术和新型换热器的研究得了飞速发展。本次的实验是在前人设计的带螺旋折流片(下简称螺旋片)换热器的基础上再在内圆管多加上扰流柱,分析不同操作参数和结构参数条件下流体传热情况,由此得出影响换热器传热性能的条件,为进一步研究静态混合器传热情况和其在实际工程及设计中的应用奠定基础。 本文对换热器进行了研究,测得壳程空气进出口温度,利用温差传热,以努塞尔准数作为衡量换热器传热性能的标准,分别考察了雷诺数对努塞尔准数的影响,并与空管进行了比较。换热器器中由于扰流柱的作用,使进入管中的流体在流经扰流柱时产生旋涡,有效地消除了径向主流道的速度梯度和温度梯度。因传热边界层大大减薄,使得边界层内流体不断得到更新,热阻下降,传热过程得到强化。 通过实验可以得出一些结论: 由于有螺旋片同扰流柱的存在使得扰动螺旋型换热器的传热效果明显要优于圆滑管型换热器同螺旋型换热器;螺旋片使流体具有向外甩开的离心力,流体在流过扰流柱时因被分流、切割、再生,不仅加速了流速并且在柱后形成涡流,加速壁面流体的更新,减薄粘性边界层底层的厚度,从而提高了传热性能; 同一模型在不同Re下,随着Re的增加,Nu也随着增加,在不计阻力时,模型的传热效果随着Re的增加而提高 不要在线翻译的。希望帮一忙! 如果好再加100分,我现在非常急,马上就要交了。 展开
2018-11-16 22:06:50 363 0
换热器是化工、炼油、动力、食品、轻工等许多工业部门广泛应用的一种通用设备。其性能的好坏直接影响过程工业热经济性的高低。近年来,由于能源危机,强化传热技术和新型换热器的研究... 换热器是化工、炼油、动力、食品、轻工等许多工业部门广泛应用的一种通用设备。其性能的好坏直接影响过程工业热经济性的高低。近年来,由于能源危机,强化传热技术和新型换热器的研究得了飞速发展。本次的实验是在前人设计的带螺旋折流片(下简称螺旋片)换热器的基础上再在内圆管多加上扰流柱,分析不同操作参数和结构参数条件下流体传热情况,由此得出影响换热器传热性能的条件,为进一步研究静态混合器传热情况和其在实际工程及设计中的应用奠定基础。 本文对换热器进行了研究,测得壳程空气进出口温度,利用温差传热,以努塞尔准数作为衡量换热器传热性能的标准,分别考察了雷诺数对努塞尔准数的影响,并与空管进行了比较。换热器器中由于扰流柱的作用,使进入管中的流体在流经扰流柱时产生旋涡,有效地消除了径向主流道的速度梯度和温度梯度。因传热边界层大大减薄,使得边界层内流体不断得到更新,热阻下降,传热过程得到强化。 通过实验可以得出一些结论: 由于有螺旋片同扰流柱的存在使得扰动螺旋型换热器的传热效果明显要优于圆滑管型换热器同螺旋型换热器;螺旋片使流体具有向外甩开的离心力,流体在流过扰流柱时因被分流、切割、再生,不仅加速了流速并且在柱后形成涡流,加速壁面流体的更新,减薄粘性边界层底层的厚度,从而提高了传热性能; 同一模型在不同Re下,随着Re的增加,Nu也随着增加,在不计阻力时,模型的传热效果随着Re的增加而提高 不要翻译软件翻译的。如果好再加分 展开
2018-11-25 12:54:46 368 0
Moreover, the particle size of incorporated ZnO calculated from the effective mass model was close to the results obtained from HRTEM. The synthesis method developed in course of this work can be used for the fabrication of different polym... Moreover, the particle size of incorporated ZnO calculated from the effective mass model was close to the results obtained from HRTEM. The synthesis method developed in course of this work can be used for the fabrication of different polymer-inorganic transparent nanocomposites with other functionalities. In the second part of the thesis, we studied a method for the fabrication of micro-porous surface layer – made of copper nanoparticles – on the surface of copper plates (suitable for heat exchangers). The micro-porous surfaces were formed from dendritic network of copper nanoparticles obtained by electrodeposition from solution using dynamic bubble formation and removal as template. The surface layer engineered and its structures were optimized in order to enhance the boiling heat transfer coefficient. To further optimize the dendritic structure, additional annealing step was introduce and its effect on the surface layer structure and properties were investigated. The properties of the deposited surface structures were investigated and its effect on the enhancement of the heart transfer coefficient has been studied. The fabricated enhanced surface has shown an excellent performance in nucleate boiling. Pool boiling tests were performed on refrigerant fluids (R134a) to evaluate the boiling performance of the electrodeposited nanostructured micro-porous structures. At heat flux of 1 W/cm2, the heat transfer coefficient is enhanced over 15 times compared to a plain reference surface. A model has been presented to explain the enhancement based on the structure characteristics. 展开
2006-10-18 01:46:56 353 4
Drivers and Directions In the United States, the EPA and NIOSH are spearheading research into nanoparticles and their associated health risks through a variety of funded research projects and information exchange programs. NIOSH’s Web si... Drivers and Directions In the United States, the EPA and NIOSH are spearheading research into nanoparticles and their associated health risks through a variety of funded research projects and information exchange programs. NIOSH’s Web site also cites its participation in the multiagency National Nanotechnology Initiative and the Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology Subcommittee of the National Science and Technology Council’s Committee on Technology. But on the whole, the study of nanotechnology in the workplace is still in its infancy. Or as Keith Rickabaugh, technical director of materials and analytical services for RJ Lee Group, Monroeville, Pa., puts it, “what has been learned is that there is much more to learn.” Rickabaugh goes on to say that, “We need to learn how to economically/reasonably establish safe work practices and engineering controls to protect workers from an ‘unknown’ exposure risk. That includes performing studies to document the health risks of nanosized particles, and training workers to understand and be able to characterize those materials.” 展开
2006-10-18 01:02:26 550 3
Abstract Nanomaterials and nanotechnology have been hot issues during the recent decades. This thesis deals with the fabrication and engineering of novel nanomaterials with enhanced functionality, particularly nanocomposites and nanostruc... Abstract Nanomaterials and nanotechnology have been hot issues during the recent decades. This thesis deals with the fabrication and engineering of novel nanomaterials with enhanced functionality, particularly nanocomposites and nanostructured surfaces. The study includes two parts; in the first part, bulk transparent polymer-inorganic nanocomposites were produced by a novel synthesis method and its UV-absorption has been investigated. In the second part, nanostructured microporous surface layers, of copper, were fabricated by electrodeposition process and its effect on material’s performance for pool boiling has been investigated evaluated.In the first part of the thesis, bulk polymer-inorganic nanocomposites composed of poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) and zinc compounds were prepared by an in situ sol-gel transition polymerization of zinc complex in PMMA matrix. The immiscibility of heterophases of solid organic and inorganic constituents was resolved by the in situ sol-gel transition polymerization of ZnO nanofillers within PMMA in the presence of dual functional agent, monoethanolamine, which provided strong secondary interfacial interactions for both complexing and crosslinking of constituents. Comprehensive characterization of the polymer-inorganic hybrid materials has been undertaken using a wide range of techniques; XRD, 1H NMR, FT-IR, TGA, DSC, UV-Vis, ED, SEM, TEM and HRTEM. The homogeneous PMMA-ZnO nanocomposites exhibited enhanced UV-sheltering effects in the entire UV range even at very low ZnO content of 0.02 wt%. 展开
2006-10-18 01:02:42 345 4
Practical applications of colossal magnetoresistive(CMR) oxides are limited by the large magnetic fields and/or low temperature required to observe a significant change in electric resistivity[1-5]. In recent years,research on tunneling mag... Practical applications of colossal magnetoresistive(CMR) oxides are limited by the large magnetic fields and/or low temperature required to observe a significant change in electric resistivity[1-5]. In recent years,research on tunneling magnetoresistance(TMR) is a very active field because of its scientific interest and potential technological applications[6].Polycrystalline Sr2FeMoO6 perovskite is a candidate for magnetic sensors owing to its high ferromagnetic transition temperature …(Tc~420K)and the half-metallic electronic band structure predicted theoretically [7]. The conduction electrons in this compound are expected to be highly spin-polarized even at room temperature. More recently, perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 with nanometer grain size showed large magnetoresistance(~20%) at a low magnetic field of 4k Oe and at room temperature[8].Dai et al.[9]observed two different ordered structures in polycrystalline Sr2FeMoO6 perovskite: the double perovskite and the superstructure with tripled c-axis(ST).In this paper, another new layered structure of body-centered tetragonal phase (BT) is reported for the polycrystalline magnetoresistive Sr2FeMoO6 sample. Ceramic samples of Sr2FeMoO6 were prepared by standard solid state reaction. Stoichiometric materials of SrCO3,Fe2O3 and MoO3 were mechanically mixed, and then calcined at 950℃ for 4h in air.The calcined mixture was then ball-milled and made into pellets followed by sintering at 1250℃for 4h in carbon monoxide atmosphere.Transmission electron microscopy(TEM) specimens were prepared by mechanical polishing,dimpling and ion milling.Electron diffraction patterns were taken at 120kV using a Phillips CM12 electron microscope, and high resolution TEM imaging was conducted using JEOL 2010 microscope. Energy dispersion of X-rays(EDX) was conducted by TEM attached with EDAX PV9100. 展开
2009-05-20 03:06:41 412 1
Fig. 1 illustrates the microstructure and surface morphology of samples which include the bare substrate, the fluorinated with and without CeO2 thin film. Fig. 1a shows the initial surface state of the polished bare substrate. Some fine ste... Fig. 1 illustrates the microstructure and surface morphology of samples which include the bare substrate, the fluorinated with and without CeO2 thin film. Fig. 1a shows the initial surface state of the polished bare substrate. Some fine steaks resulting from the polishing progress are visible in the image. The surface is considerably rough and the activity of surface for magnesium alloy is various from sample to sample and within the same sample due to the presence of different phases [24,25]. In Fig. 1b, the micrograph was taken when the sample was fluorinated in the 20% HF for 20 h. There are a large number of pores and cracks on the surface of this sample; however, we cannot find the presence of remarked grinding scratches originated from the sample preparation on the surface in contrast with the bare substrate. It is well known that the magnesium alloy reacts with HF to form the fluoride coating via displacement reaction and the fluoride is insoluble, thus form a barrier on the surface of magnesium alloy. The pores and cracks distributed uneven also suggest that the activities on the surface of magnesium alloy are not very identical. The SEM image of the fluorinated sample with CeO2 thin film is shown in Fig. 1c. As can be seen from this image, most of the pores and cracks existed on the surface of the fluorinated sample have disappeared which is ascribed to the presence of CeO2 thin film. Moreover, the surface of CeO2 thin film is more uniform and more compact than that of the fluorinated sample, and this may explain why this kind of samples is the best corrosion resistant. XPS analysis is performed aiming at identifying the chemical composition of the film and the typical survey scan spectra are shown in Fig. 2. The main element peaks of Mg, C, O, F and Ce are shown in the spectra. A significant amount of carbon is present on the surface of the sample due to some contaminant that originates from the polishing, cleaning and heat-treatment procedure; moreover, there may be some remnant since the deficiently burning for celloidin during the heat-treatment. There are three peaks in the survey scan spectra as follows: Mg 2p3/2 at about 50 eV, Mg 2s at about 88 eV and Mg Auger peak at about 301 eV. The peak of Mg 2p around 50 eV is shown in Fig. 2 which reveals only one peak at 50.2 eV belonging to Mg 2p being the fingerprint for Mg2+ in the transitional region. Hence, it is most probable that the presence of Mg in the coating is a result of the formation of MgF2 in the course of the fluorinated process and the formation of MgO during the heat-treatment. Both the main components of O 1s peak located at 530.6 eV and the F 1s peak located at 684.7 eV give the evidence that the major states are MgO and MgF2. It is found that almost a pure Ce(IV) state in the spectrum of CeO2 and this is similar to these reported by Škoda et al. [26]. 展开
2009-03-30 12:58:40 368 1
What's therole of the Supercapacitor? The supercapacitor resembles a regular capacitorwith the exception that it offers very high capacitance in a small package.Energy storage is by means of static charge rather than of an electro-che... What's therole of the Supercapacitor? The supercapacitor resembles a regular capacitorwith the exception that it offers very high capacitance in a small package.Energy storage is by means of static charge rather than of an electro-chemicalprocess that is inherent to the battery. Applying a voltage differential on thepositive and negative plates charges the supercapacitor. This concept issimilar to an electrical charge that builds up when walking on a carpet. Thesupercapacitor concept has been around for a number of years. Newer designsallow higher capacities in a smaller size. Whereas a regular capacitor consists ofconductive foils and a dry separator, the supercapacitor crosses into batterytechnology by using special electrodes and some electrolyte. There are threetypes of electrode materials suitable for the supercapacitor. They are: highsurface area activated carbons, metal oxide and conducting polymers. The highsurface electrode material, also called Double Layer Capacitor (DLC), is leastcostly to manufacture and is the most common. It stores the energy in thedouble layer formed near the carbon electrode surface. 展开
2013-06-11 09:00:02 458 3
急求英文高手翻译一段摘要 有关夹具设计的
Abstract In this paper, the general situation of research on agile fixture design is summarized and the achievements and deficiencies in the field of case-based fixture design are pointed out. There are no correlative case bases and match... Abstract In this paper, the general situation of research on agile fixture design is summarized and the achievements and deficiencies in the field of case-based fixture design are pointed out. There are no correlative case bases and matching mechanisms during the period from establishing the fixture planning to designing the fixture in currently used case-based fixture design systems. Thus a great amount of experience of fixture design is wasted and cannot be re-used, which reduces design efficiency and violates the original intention of case-based reasoning methods. In order to realize agility of fixture design, including re-configurability, re-scalability and re-usability, in this paper, a re-configurable agile fixture element base and an element assembly relation base are established. Using these two bases, the fixture structure is function-based decomposed, which makes it easy for an agile fixture to be re-configured and modified. Furthermore, a whole case-based agile fixture design model is presented, in which three modules are introduced, including the evaluation of the similarity of fixture planning, conflict arbitration and the modification of an agile fixture case. The three modules can be used to solve a problem where experience and design results cannot be re-used in the process of fixture design. Against the agile fixture design model, the evaluation method is put forward to evaluate the similarity in various phases. However, a similar case in the base could not generally meet the actual requirement and resolve the conflict between the similar case and the actual condition. Thus three methods, including a local restriction-relaxed method, a function-based conflict arbitration method and a case-based conflict arbitration method, are presented to clear up the conflict and could be used to modify the case to obtain an approach to a design result. Finally, an agile fixture design example is presented. The result demonstrates that the case-based agile fixture design approach can improve re-usability and design efficiency. Keywords: Agile fixture design; Case-based reasoning; Modeling 展开
2009-05-07 02:47:12 405 1
10、TheuseofLewis-acidcatalystsinmodernorganichasbeenstudiedextensivelyduringthelastdecade.Nowadaystheresearchisfocusonthemoreversatile,moreselective,andmorereactivecatal... 10、The use of Lewis-acid catalysts in modern organic has been studied extensively during the last decade. Nowadays the research is focus on the more versatile, more selective, and more reactive catalyst. It has been found that gold Lewis acids are effective to catalyze the formation of C-C and oxidation reactions as the heterogeneous or the homogeneous catalysts. In particular, gold-catalyzed oxidation reactions have been applied in the epoxidation, oxidation of alcohols and aldehydes, and the oxidative cleavage of C-C double bonds. Sulfides oxidation is one of the most important organic processes, because the corresponding organosulfur compounds are versatile intermediates in organic synthesis and are useful for the preparation of biologically and medically important products. To the best knowledge, two examples of gold Lewis acid reveal the catalytic property in the reaction of sulfides to sulfoxides. 11、Anhydrous ethers is generally used as the solvent in the preparation of a Grignard reagent Actually, the ether plays a more important role in the reaction than merely that of solvent. Ether molecules combine with the various components of a Grignard reagent to form complex etherates. For example, one of the components in phenyl magnesium bromide-ether solution is a complex. 展开
2008-06-10 00:23:27 302 5
急 帮我翻译下这个摘要 有写好的 帮忙修改下
摘要:实验测定和比较了九顶山鸡不同品系鸡肉中微量元素的含量的差异。以及同种品系胸肌和腿肌中微量元素的差异。分析不同品系和同种品系之间微量元素的差异。根据生长性能、鸡的血缘... 摘要:实验测定和比较了九顶山鸡不同品系鸡肉中微量元素的含量的差异。以及同种品系胸肌和腿肌中微量元素的差异。分析不同品系和同种品系之间微量元素的差异。根据生长性能、鸡的血缘、生产性能等把九顶山鸡分为九顶山鸡Ⅰ号,九顶山鸡Ⅱ号,九顶山鸡Ⅲ号。以九顶山鸡腿部肌和胸肌为实验材料采用微波消解及等离子发射光谱仪(ICP)测定其cd、co微量元素的含量,并进行对比。其结果表明 Abstract: This study is to compare trace elements Jiudingshan chicken (Gus Gallus) and the differences between other species. in same strains Breast and leg muscles difference between the trace element. According to the growth performance, chicken's blood, production performance, etc. Species can be divided into types I and ll and lll Jiudingshan chicken (Gus Gallus). Experimental material as the legs and chest, using microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP) of the trace elements measured and compared. The results showed that: 展开
2011-04-30 03:09:01 401 2
求求大哥大姐帮帮忙 帮小弟翻译一下石油专业英语文章 急急急!
An Ensemble Level Upscaling Approach for Efficient Estimation of Fine-Scale Production Statistics Using Coarse-Scale Simulations Yuguang Chen, SPE, Chevron Energy Technology Co., and Louis J. Durlofsky, SPE, Stanford U. Copyright 2007, S... An Ensemble Level Upscaling Approach for Efficient Estimation of Fine-Scale Production Statistics Using Coarse-Scale Simulations Yuguang Chen, SPE, Chevron Energy Technology Co., and Louis J. Durlofsky, SPE, Stanford U. Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2007 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 26–28 February 2007. This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O 展开
2009-12-28 03:58:03 551 2
专业英语:force multiplication
force multiplication什么意思?是力的传递还是力的公式?
2008-09-17 07:10:12 584 3
索求香水方面专业术语:如喷头pump, 盖子cup等等,越多越来!本人倾私人“财产”报答之!
2008-10-29 19:30:18 560 5


