

gfhdjjdewes 2012-04-15
Anhystereticremanentmagnetisation(ARM)wasimpartedinallspecimenswithapeakAFfieldof100mTandDCfieldof0.04mTusingaMolspinAFdemagnetiser(退磁器),andthenmeasuredonaDigicoSp... Anhysteretic remanent magnetisation(ARM) was imparted in all specimens with a peak AF field of 100mT and DC field of 0.04mT using a Molspin AF demagnetiser(退磁器),and then measured on a Digico Spinner magnetometer(旋转磁力仪). Isothermal remanent magnetisations(IRM)were induced in a sequence of magnetic fields of increasing value up to 1T and then with reversed fields of 100mT and 300mT using a Molspin Pulse Magnetiser.The IRM induced using the field of 1T is referred to as saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM),while those installed using the reversed fields of 100 and 300 mT are abridged as IRM-100mT and IRM-300mT ,respectively.
通过Molspin脉冲磁化仪,在一个(正向)Z高强度可递增至1T和反向强度达到100mT和300mT的序列磁场中,等温残余磁化强度(IRM)被诱导。用1T的磁场导入的等温残余磁化强度(IRM)称为饱和等温剩磁(SIRM),而那些使用 100 mT和 300mT的反向的磁场安装的(等温残余磁化强度)分别被简称为IRM IRM-100mT和IRM-300mT。

20 0 2012-04-16 0条评论 回复
Anhysteretic remanent magnetisation(ARM) was imparted in all specimens with a peak AF field of 100mT and DC field of 0.04mT using a Molspin AF demagnetiser(退磁器),and then measured on a Digico Spinner magnetometer(旋转磁力仪).非磁滞剩磁(手臂)传授所有标本与高峰领域和房颤利比亚直流领域0.04mt使用molspin自动退磁器(退磁器),然后衡量一个digico旋转磁力仪(旋转磁力仪)。Isothermal remanent magnetisations(IRM)were induced in a sequence of magnetic fields of increasing value up to 1T and then with reversed fields of 100mT and 300mT using a Molspin Pulse Magnetiser.The IRM induced using the field of 1T is referred to as saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM),while those installed using the reversed fields of 100 and 300 mT are abridged as IRM-100mT and IRM-300mT ,respectively.等温剩余magnetisations(我)诱导序列磁域增加价值高达1吨,然后扭转战场的胚和300使用molspin脉冲magnetiser。资源利用领域的是称为饱和等温剩磁(智能),而那些安装使用扭转战场100300机器翻译是删节为irm-100mt和irm-300mt,分别。
7 0 2012-04-16 0条评论 回复
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