LabVIEWTM(LaboratoryVirtualInstrumentEngineeringWorkbench)isapowerfulinstrumentationandanalysisprogramminglanguageforPCsrunningMicrosoftWindows,SunSPARCstations,AppleMaci... LabVIEWTM (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) is a
powerful instrumentation and analysis programming language for PCs
running Microsoft Windows, Sun SPARCstations, Apple Macintosh
computers, Concurrent PowerMax, and HP-UX workstations. LabVIEW
departs from the sequential nature of traditional programming languages
and features a graphical programming environment and all the tools needed
for data acquisition, analysis, and presentation. With this graphical
programming language, called “G,” you can program in a block diagram
notation, the natural design notation of scientists and engineers. After you
create a block diagram program, LabVIEW compiles it into machine code.
LabVIEW integrates data acquisition, analysis, and presentation in one
system. For acquiring data and controlling instruments, LabVIEW supports
RS-232/422, IEEE 488 (GPIB), and VXI, including Virtual Instrument
Software Architecture (VISA) functions, as well as plug-in data acquisition
(DAQ) boards. An instrument library with drivers for hundreds of
instruments simplifies instrument control applications. For analyzing data,
the extensive Analysis library contains functions for signal generation,
signal processing, filters, windows, statistics, regression, linear algebra, and
array arithmetic. Because LabVIEW is graphical in nature, it is inherently a
data presentation package. LabVIEW can generate charts, graphs, and
customized, user-defined graphics.
LabVIEWTM (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) 是一个强大的编程语言分析工具,主要用于
Microsoft Windows, Sun SPARCstations, Apple Macintosh
computers, Concurrent PowerMax, and HP-UX workstations的工作系统和环境。
LabVIEW 区别于传统的编程语语序,而采用了图像化的编程界面和数据获取、分析、数据表示工具
通过叫做“G”的图像化的编程语言 called “G,” 你可以对模块编程,可以直接用科学和工程的标记法等。
RS-232/422, IEEE 488 (GPIB), and VXI, 包括虚拟软件设计等功能(VISA) functions, as well as plug-in data acquisition
(DAQ) boards. 设备库中有上百种设备的驱动程序,可以大大简化控制和应用上的烦琐过程。对于数据分析,强大的分析系统含有各种信号生成器,滤波器,(本人估计应该是数字信号处理分析里面的FFT等变换的)窗口函数,统计,回归函数,线性代数和矩阵变换
由于LabVIEW本质是图像, 实质上是数据表达的整合包。