Internationalised Normal Ratio(INR) elevations and/or bleeding events have been reported in some patients taking warfarin(see Pharmacokinetic Properties' section). patients taking warfarin should be monitored regularly for changes in proth... Internationalised Normal Ratio(INR) elevations and/or bleeding events have been reported in some patients taking warfarin(see Pharmacokinetic Properties' section). patients taking warfarin should be monitored regularly for changes in prothrombin time or INR.
patients shouldbe advised to seek medical advice promptly in the event of developing any eye symptoms or severe or persistent diarrhoea , nausea vomiting or anorexia(see Pharmacokinetic Properties' section). These symptoms should be managed as clinically indicated.
Randomised controlled trials have demonstrated that Iressa combined with doublet , platinum-based cytotoxic chemotherapy in advanced NSCLC provides no added benefit over ther cytototxic in patientswho have previously received treatment with cytotoxic chemotherapy.
In a phase I/II trial of IRESSA and radiation in paediatric patients, newly diagnosed with brain stem glioma or incompletely resected supratentorialmalignant glioma, 4 cases(1fatal) of CNS haemorrhages have been reported from trialwith IRESSA alone. There is no evidence to suggest any increased risk of cerebral haemorrhage in adult patients with NSCLC receiving IRESSA.
Phase IIclinical trial data, where IRESSA and vinorelbine have been used concomitantly, indicate that Iressa may exacebate the neutropenic effctof vinorbine.
Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
In vitro studies with human hepatic microsomes have shown that the metabolism of gefitinib is predomiantly via the CYP3A4 isoform of the hepatic cytochromeP-450 system. Gefitinib may be sxpected to interact with otehr drgs that induce, inhibit or are metabolised by this system. Gefitinib showed littl enzyme induction effect in animal studies and in vitro sutdies have shown that gefitinib has limited potentialto inhibit CYP2D6.
The clinically or potentially significantclinical drug interactions between gefitinib and the following drugs/ durg classes are described below.
Other Drugs that effect gefitinib
Demonstrated interactions
Drugs that inhaibit CYP3A4
co-administraion with itraconazole(a CYP3A4)resuulted in an 80% increase in the mean AUC of gefitinibin healthy volunteers. This increase may bbe clinically relevant since adverse experiences are related to dose and exposure. Although interaction studies with other CYP3A4 inhibitors have not been performed it is expected that drugs such as ketoconaxole, clotrimazole, ritonovir would also inhibit gefitinib metabolism.
Drugs that Increase gastric pH
In a trial in healthy volunteers co-adminstrationof drugs that cause significant sustined elevations in gastric pH>=5, resulted in a reduced mean gefitinib AUC by 47%. This may reduce efficacy
Co-administration with rifa mpicin(a known potent CYP3A4 inducer) in healthy volunteers reduced meangefitinib AUC by 83% of that without rifampicin.
Theoretical interactions
Z常见的药物不良反应( ADRs )为腹泻、皮疹、瘙痒、皮肤干燥和痤疮,发生率20%以上,一般见于服药后一个月内,通常是可逆性的。大约8%的患者出现严重的ADRs(CTC标准3或4级)。因ADRs停止ZL的患者仅有1%。可出现的ADRs总结如下: 非常常见(>10%) 消化系统: 皮肤及附件: 腹泻,主要为轻度(CTC1级),少有中度(CTC2级),个别报道严重腹泻伴脱水者(CTC3级)。恶心,主要为轻度(CTC1级)。 皮肤反应,主要为轻或中度(CTCl或2级)多泡状突起的皮疹,在红斑的基础上有时伴皮肤干燥发痒。 常见(>1-≤10%) 消化系统: 代谢和营养: 皮肤及附器: 全身: 眼科: 呕吐,主要为轻度或中度(CTC1或2级)。厌食,轻或中度(CTCl或2级)。口腔粘膜炎,多数轻微(CTC1级)。继发于腹泻、恶心、呕吐或厌食引起的脱水。 肝功能异常,主要包括无症状性轻或中度转氨酶升高(CTCl或2级)。 指甲毒性。脱发 乏力,多为轻度 (CTC1级) 结膜炎和睑炎,主要为轻度(CTC1级)。 不常见(>0.1-≤1%) 血液和淋巴: 眼科: 呼吸: 在服用华法令的一些患者中出现国际正常值(INR)升高及/或出血事件 角膜糜烂,可逆,有时伴异常睫毛生长。 间质性肺病,常较严重(CTC3-4)级,已有致死性病历的报道。 罕见 (>0.01- £0.1%) 消化系统: 炎. 极罕见(<0.01%) 皮肤及附件: 过敏反应,包括血管性水肿和风疹.毒性表皮坏死溶解和多型红斑仅有个案报道 * 在范围的临床研究和上市后应用(仅在日本)中,接受吉非替尼ZL的约66000例患者中,间质性肺病总的发生率在日本以外的患者大约0.3%(包括39000例患者),在日本约为2%(大约27000例患者)。
【注意事项】接受吉非替尼ZL的患者,偶尔可发生急性间质性肺病,部分患者可因此死亡(见’可能出现的不良反应’节)。伴发先天性肺纤维化/间质性肺炎/肺尘病/放射性肺炎/药物诱发性肺炎的患者出现这种情况时死亡率增加。如果患者气短,咳嗽和发热等呼吸道症状加重,应中断ZL,及时查明原因。当证实有间质性肺病时,应停止使用吉非替尼并对患者进行相应的ZL。已观察到无症状性肝转氨酶升高(见’可能出现的不良反应’节)。因此,建议定期检查肝功能。可谨慎的用于肝转氨酶轻中度升高的患者。如果肝功能损害严重,应考虑停药。诱导CYP3A4活性的物质可增加吉非替尼的代谢并降低其血浆浓度。因此,与CYP3A4诱导剂(如苯妥因、氨甲酰氮卓、利福平、盐类或St John’s Wort)合用可降低LX(见’药物相互作用’节)。已报道在服用华法令的一些患者中出现国际正常值(INR,International Normalised Ratio)升高及/或出血事件(见’可能出现的不良反应’节)。服用华法令的患者应定期监测凝血酶原时间或INR的改变。能使胃的PH值持续升高的药物可降低吉非替尼的血浆浓度并进而降低LX(见 ’药物相互作用’节和’药物代谢动力学特性’节)。应告诫患者当以下情况加重时即刻就医: ·任何眼部症状 ·严重或持续的腹泻、恶心、呕吐或厌食这些症状应按临床需要进行处理(见’可能出现的不良反应’节)。同时见’妊娠和哺乳’和’对驾驶及操纵机器能力的影响’节。对驾驶及操纵机器能力的影响在ZL期间,可出现乏力的症状,这些患者在驾驶或操纵机器时应给与提醒。
【孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药】目前尚无用于妊娠或哺乳期女性的资料。在动物实验中已观察到生殖毒性。动物实验也在兔的乳汁中检测到吉非替尼及其部分代谢物(见’与者有关的临床前安全性资料’节)。在接受ZL期间,要劝告育龄女性避免妊娠, 并建议哺乳母亲停止母乳喂养。