用户论文:Optimization of Synthesis of Spherical Lignosulphonate Resin and Its Structure Characterization-仪器网

用户论文:Optimization of Synthesis of Spherical Lignosulphonate Resin and Its Structure Characterization

Calcium lignosulphonate was used to synthesize a spherical lignosulphonate resin in a cheap and non-toxic disperse medium by reversed phase suspension polymerization. The process conditions were optimized by orthogonal experiments. Under the optimal conditions (T􀋙95􀁱C, cHCl􀋙3 mol􀇜L􀋉1, mHCHO􀎉mCLS􀋙7%, wCLS 50%), globulation took about 20 min and the product was featured with excellent spherical shape, narrow particle size range, 61.20% of water retention capacity, 0.83 mmol􀇜ml􀋉1 of total volume exchange capacity and 3.46 mmol􀇜g􀋉1 of total exchange capacity. The results of Scanning Electron Micrograph and Scanning Probe Micrograph indicate that spherical lignosulphonate resin has a rugged surface with porous microstructure in the gel skeleton. The average pore size of dry samples was determined to be 10.46 nm by the BET method. 扫描探针显微镜(SPM/AFM/STM)