Evaluation of the interfacial bonding between fibrou-仪器网

Evaluation of the interfacial bonding between fibrou

The sputter coatings provide new approaches to the functionalization of textile materials. One of the key issues in the use of sputter coatings
onto textiles is the interfacial adhesion between the coated layer and the fiber substrate. The interfacial bonding between polypropylene (PP)
fibrous substrate and sputter coated copper was investigated and discussed by abrasion test and peel-off test in this study. It was found that the
plasma pretreatment and heating during the sputter coating process obviously improved the adhesion of the coating layer to the PP fibrous
substrate. The mechanism of the interfacial adhesion between copper and PP substrate was also examined by atomic force microscopy. The AFM
observations revealed the surface and interfacial structures of the PP fibers.
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 扫描探针显微镜(SPM/AFM/STM)


