
skin PMAPA透皮测试相关论文发表于2013年的European J

The 96-well plate format has been demonstrated to be suitable for the rapid determination of passive transport (Kansy et al.,1998). Routinely used for the assessment of gastrointestinalabsorption, and bloodbrain barrier permeability, recent studies
have reported the adaption of this parallel artificial membrane permeability assay (PAMPA) for skin (Ottaviani et al., 2006; Sinko et al., 2012, 2009). In the PAMPA method, an artificial membrane imitating skin is coated on a hydrophobic filter of a 96-well filter plate that separates two compartments, the donor and acceptor. The donor compartment typically contains a buffer solution of
the test compound, while the acceptor compartment contains the receptor fluid, generally fresh buffer solution at pH 7.4. A schematic illustration of the PAMPA experiment is depicted in Fig. 1.


