
A quartz crystal microbalance study of the adsorptio

The adsorption of alkyl trimethyl ammonium bromide with alkyl groups from C10 to C16 onto solid surfaces (iron and cementite (Fe3C)) is investigated with and without NaCl. For the first time the adsorption of these surface active compounds onto model carbon steel compounds are measured directly by the use of a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). The adsorption increases steeply around the critical micelle concentration (cmc) in bulk which was also determined for the homologous series. The adsorption of the higher homologues shows rather rigid surface structures while a detailed interpretation of the isotherms for the lowest homologues is disturbed by high bulk viscosities. Based on the obtained results, and in comparison with similar adsorbents on hydrophilic oxide surfaces, it is concluded that the surfactant is adsorbed patchwise in similar structures as in bulk. Finally, the possibilities for close-packing of the surfactant film are discussed.


