

The Agilent 1290 Infinity II High Dynamic Range Diode Array Detection (HDR-DAD)
Impurity Analyzer Solution combines the signals from two diode array detectors
with different path length Max-Light cartridge cells to increase the linear
dynamic UV-range. This solution can be used to detect and quantify main and
trace compounds in a single run without exceeding the linear UV-range. Using
one DAD with a 10-mm flow cell, typically two injections with different injection
volumes are needed to determine low-dose, high-dose, and trace compounds. This
Application Note demonstrates that one injection is adequate to reliably quantify
low-dose, high-dose, and trace compounds of a fixed-dose combination drug using
the Agilent 1290 Infinity II HDR-DAD Impurity Analyzer Solution. 安捷伦 1290 Infinity 二元液相色谱系统(1290 LC)


