

【概述】  高低温交变湿热试验箱常见故障解决总结大纲

High and low temperature alternating humid heat test box common fault resolution summary.


High & low temperature alternating damp heat test equipment also named constant temperature humidity test chamber, high low temperature wet heat test chamber, temperature humidity cycle test chamber, use to simulate the reliability temperature humidity test for all materials for high and low temperature constant, shadow, break out, cold-resistant, resistance to dry, resistance to damp and like that. By the temperature humidity test chamber to test samples’ adaptation to judge its quality in the high temperature high wet, low temperature low wet, high & low temperature cycling, high temperature & low temperature constant environment.



High temperature can’t heat up: In the temperature test, if temperature changes can’t reach the test temperature value, then check the electrical system, and troubleshooting one by one.


If heat up slower, check the wind cycling system, and see the damper regulator whether is normal, whereas, check the motor running whether is abnormal.


If temperature overshoot, will need to set the PID setting parameters.

4、如果温度直接上升,过温保护,那么,控制器出故障,须更换控制仪表。 If temperature directly heating up, over-temperature protector, so the controller fault need to replace a new controller instrument.


1、低温达不到试验的指标,那你就要观察温度的变化,是温度降的很慢,还是温度到一定值后温度有回升的趋势,前者就要检查一下,做低温试验前是否将工作室烘干,使工作室保持干燥后再将试验样品放入工作室内再做试验,工作室内的试验样品是否放置的过多,使工作室内的风不能充分循环。再排除上述原因后,就要考虑是否是制冷系统中的故障了, 这样就要请厂家皓天的专业人员进行检修。后者的现象是设备的使用环境不好所致,设备放置的环境温度,放置的位置(箱体后与墙的距离)要满足要求(在设备操作使用说明中都有规定)。

Temperature won’t cool down: Low temperature can’t reach the test target, will you need to observe the temperature changes, is temperature fall down slower or temperature has a tendency to rise after reaching a certain value. If the former will need to check after doing the low temperature test, check the working cabinet whether is dry or not, the working cabinet need to keep dry and then put the sample into. Whether too much samples in the cabinet, so that wind can’t cycle in the cabinet. After eliminating a fore-mentioned reasons again, be about to consider whether is the breakdown in refrigeration system, such professional personnel that should ask a manufacturer Haotian undertakes examining and repairing. The latter phenomenon is caused by the bad operating environment of the equipment, and the environmental temperature and position (the distance between the back of the box and the wall) of the equipment should meet the requirements (it’s stipulated in the operating instructions of the equipment).


       湿度升不上去应该是加湿加热管没工作。检查加热管是否开路、加热回路有无断线或因为短路烧坏熔断器;如果烧坏熔断器,检修时要检查固态继电器是否被击穿; 如果主回路没问题检查控制器输出端是否损坏。

The humidity won’t rise: The humidifying heating tube is not working. Check whether the heating tube is open, whether the heating circuit is broken or the fuse is burnt out due to short circuit; If the fuse burns out, check whether the solid state relay is broken down during maintenance; Check the controller output for damage if the main loop is in good condition.



The humidity won’t go down: In the wet & heat test, appears actual humidity will reach to 100% or the actual humidity is very different from the target humidity, and the value is much lower. The former phenomenon, may be the wet ball sensor because of the gauze drying, it is necessary to check the wet ball sensor in the sink whether water shortage. The water level in the water tank is automatically controlled by a water level controller to check whether the water supply system of the water level controller is normal and whether the water level controller works normally. Another possibility is that wet ball gauze due to the use of a long time, or the purity of water supply water, will make the gauze hard, so that the gauze can not absorb water and dry, as long as the replacement or cleaning gauze can eliminate the above phenomenon.The latter phenomenon is mainly that the humidification system does not work, check the water supply system of the humidification system, whether there is a certain amount of water in the water supply system, whether the water level control of the humidification boiler water level is normal, whether the water level in the humidification boiler is normal. If all of the above is normal, it’s necessary to check the electrical control system, this should be professional maintenance personnel for maintenance.

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