梅特勒-托利多,METTLER-TOLEDO(纽约证券交易所代码:MTD):世界上首台替代法单盘天平的fa明者排名前十的的精密仪器制造商世界上Zda的实验室工业和食品零售业用称重设备制造商同时,集团在几个运用称重相关技术的分析仪器行业中占据前三位的位置,并在应用于药物及化学聚合物研究开发自动化学反应系统市场上名列前茅此外,集团也是Zda的生产线及包装用金属检测机的制造和销售商多年来,梅特勒-托利多始终致力于产品的开发和应 A new temperature-modulated DSC (TMDSC) technique is introduced. The techniqustochastic temperature modulation and has been developed as a consequence of a theory of a temperature-modulated DSC. The quasi-static heat capacity and the freqdependent omplex heat capacity can be determined over a wide frequency range i measurement without further calibration. Furthermore, the reversing and non-revers are determined directly from the measured data. Examples show the frequency dep he glass transition, the isothermal curing of thermosets and a solid-solid transition.