

• JAAS www.rsc.org/jaas
Dario Santos Junior, Fernando Barbosa Junior, Samuel Simiao de Souza and Francisco Jose Krug
Cryogenic sample grinding for copper, lead and manganese
determination in human teeth by slurry samp领 GFAAS
用SPEX冷凍研磨機研磨人类牙齿而後用悬浮液进样石墨炉原子吸收法測試铜 铅锰

A simple method is proposed for copper, lead and manganese determination in deciduous teeth by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) using slurry samp领 introduction and cryogenic sample preparation. Teeth samples were ground in a cryogenic mill in two steps: pre-coo领 (5 min) and cryogenic grinding (2 min) in liquid nitrogen. After grinding, 90% of the sample particles were lower than 150 mm. The
minimum mass necessary for slurry preparation as an indicator of sub-sample homogeneity was evaluated by weighting masses between 5 and 20 mg directly in autosampler cups, followed by addition of 1 mL of a solution containing 0.04% Triton1 X-100 and 0.2% v/v HNO3. Samples (20 mL) were sonicated during 20 s, before delivering into a WRh coated platform. Detection limits based on integrated absorbance were 34.0 ng g21 Pb, 7.4 ng g21 Mn and 18.0 ng g21 Cu for 2% m/v slurries. WRh permanent modifier permitted calibration against aqueous standards. The Certified Reference Material (H-5 animal bone) from the International Agency of Atomic Energy (IAEA) was analyzed to determine lead for method validation. For copper, lead and manganese, 12 human teeth samples were analyzed using the proposed method with
calibration against aqueous solution and using a comparative Pd/Mg method with the same digested samples, and standard addition calibration, with no statistical difference at 95% level on applying the t-test.

Dario Santos Junior, Fernando Barbosa Junior, Samuel Simiao de Souza and Francisco Jose Krug
Cryogenic sample grinding for copper, lead and manganese
determination in human teeth by slurry samp领 GFAAS
用SPEX冷凍研磨機研磨人类牙齿而後用悬浮液进样石墨炉原子吸收法測試铜 铅锰 SPEX6870 全自动冷冻研磨机 SPEX6970EFM 冷冻研磨机