


This research is an effort to produce a useful polymer from a post-consumer mixed polymer waste stream consisting primarily of
polypropylene and polyethylene. Mixed waste flakes were milled to a fine powder by cryogenic impact mil领, and then injection
molded into tensile test samples. The effect of incorporating nanoclay before mil领 was investigated. Despite the presence of
porosity in the milled powder samples, the tensile properties were found to be higher than those of the unmilled polymer.
Differential scanning calorimetry thermal analysis suggests the possibility of the formation of alloy between the immiscible
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Keywords : Plastic; Recycle; Nonoclay; Cryogenic mil领; Tensile properties SPEX6770 全自动冷冻研磨机 SPEX6870 全自动冷冻研磨机 SPEX6970EFM 冷冻研磨机