

Within the framework of a TILLING project
(Targeting Induced Local Lesions In
Genomes) nucleic acids from leaf material
are to be isolated from potential mutants.
First a representative range of EMS (Ethyl
methane sulfonate)-mutants is produced
from 2000-5000 M2 plants and identified
through TILLING. TILLING technology is a new
and very effective method of reverse genetics
for the production and identification of
loss/gain of function-mutations of commercially
valuable genes without genetic modification.
To establish a TILLING platform with
automated DNA extraction and PCR amplification
of target genes, nucleic acid extraction
of consistent yield and good quality is
necessary. The effective detection of point
mutation occurs via hetero duplex formation
between DNA molecules of wild type and
mutant. SPEXGENO 2010 高通量组织研磨机