

It has been estimated that 10% of the U.S. population is affected by allergens. Cosmetic allergens can be found in everything from shampoos to skin creams. The average person is now exposed to significantly higher levels of these chemicals than people were exposed to only a generation ago. The resulting synergistic effect,
coupled with environmental exposure to chemicals, is the focus of an ever-increasing number of studies.
Some of these chemicals cause, or are suspected of causing, allergic reactions. Some chemicals are toxic.Phthalates are a health issue as well as a food safety concern as an Indirect Food Additive. They tend to migrate from plastic containers and wrappings into food. Finally, pesticides are a cosmetic ingredient issue since they can be present with other ingredients such as lanolin.
AccuStandard now offers AllergenCheck® Standards to meet analytical requirements of the cosmetic,pharmaceutical and food industries. These new products coupled with the widest selection of Certified
Reference Standards for pesticide and pesticide metabolite analysis offers one-stop shopping for the analysis ofallergens.
Many of the Standards are synthesized by AccuStandard and are not available elsewhere. If you do not see the chemicals or their metabolites that you need, let us know and we may be able to synthesize them.
Additionally, if a certain custom mixture of allergens would make your analysis easier, we can provide you with a custom formulation that will save you time.
Allergen Standards are listed as follows:
Neats and Single Solutions listed alphabetically by compound
Allergens regulated by the EU
Allergen standards listed by type


