

Large scale digital particle image velocimetry (PIV) and laser speckle velocimetry (LSV) are applied to landslide
generated impulse waves. The challenges posed to the measurement techniques in an extremely unsteady three
phase flow consisting of granular matter, air and water are considered. Areas of interest up to 0.8 m by 0.8 m are
investigated in the impulse wave generation zone. The complex flow phenomena present in the first stage of impulse
wave initiation are: High speed granular slide impact, impulse flux transfer, flow separation and reattachement, cavity
formation and collapse, slide deformation and penetration into fluid. During this first stage the three phases are
separated along sharp interfaces changing significantly within time and space. A combined analysis method for PIV
in water flow and LSV on the corona of the landslide surface is presented. Digital masking techniques are applied to
distinguish between phases thereafter allowing phase separated image processing. The combination of PIV and LSV
reveals insight into the impulse transfer mechanism. Applicability of PIV at large scale as well as to flows with large
velocity gradients due to the presence of a strong shock are highlighted. An introductory vector-field obtained by
means of PIV is shown in Fig. 1 with flow reattachement and characteristic saddle point above slide 首lder.
Subsequent wave generation stages with granulate detrainment, bubble break up and massive phase mixing are not
considered here. 德国LaVision PIV/PLIF粒子成像测速场仪 Imager SX PIV相机 材料应变形变成像测量仪


