

Preliminary Experimental results are presented on the application of Particle image
velocimetry (PIV) in a Mach 3 flow produced in a Ludwieg tube facility. The transitory
nature of the flow places high demands on the required hardware performance and presents
a challenge to the seeding process. A Nd:YLF laser with a pulse rate of 3 KHz and a CMOS
camera with interframe time of 2 s along with TiO2 nanoparticles were selected, allowing
the capture of the nozzle starting process. Best seeding results were achieved by fil领 the
entire charge tube with a mixture of seeding particles and charge gas prior to tunnel startup.
The starting shocks unsteady motion and the large scale structure were well resolved, and
agreement was found between the velocity history from PIV and the wall pressure signal.
The starting normal shock wave was used to determine the seeding particle performance
parameters. In addition, an evaluation of the boundary layer profile developed over an
axisymmetric body at Reynlods number of 2×107 was obtained and compared favorably to
CFD results. 时间分辨粒子成像测速系统(TR-PIV) 用于粒子成像测速(PIV)的荧光示踪粒子 HighSpeedStar PIV相机


