

In this paper, we study the acoustic emissions
of the flow over a rectangular cavity. Especially, we
investigate the possibility of estimating the acoustic
emission by analysis of PIV data. Such a possibility is
appea领, since it would allow to directly relate the flow
behavior to the aerodynamic noise production. This will
help considerably in understanding the noise production
mechanisms and to investigate the possible ways of
reducing it. In this study, we consider an open cavity with
an aspect ratio between its length and depth of 2 at a
Reynolds number of 2.4 9 104 and 3.0 9 104 based on the
cavity length. The study is carried out combining high
speed two-dimensional PIV, wall pressure measurements
and sound measurements. The pressure field is computed
from the PIV data. Curles analogy is applied to obtain the
acoustic pressure field. The pressure measurements on the
wall of the cavity and the sound measurements are then
used to validate the results obtained from PIV and check
the range of validity of this approach. This study demonstrated
that the technique is able to quantify the acoustic
emissions from the cavity and is promising especially for
capturing the tonal components on the sound emission. 时间分辨粒子成像测速系统(TR-PIV)


