

This paper presents quantitative planar laserinduced
fluorescence (PLIF) imaging of nitric oxide (NO) in a
transient-arc direct-current plasmatron igniter using premixed
air/fuel mixtures. Quantitative measurements of NO are reported
as a function of gas flow rate (2050 standard cubic feet per
hour), plasma power (100900 mA, 150750 W), and equivalence
ratio (0.71.3). Images were corrected for temperature effects by
using 2-D temperature field measurements obtained with infrared
thermometry and calibrated by a more accurate multiline fitting
technique. The signals were then quantified using an NO addition
method and spectroscopic laser-induced fluorescence mode领
of NO. NO PLIF images and single-point NO concentrations
are presented for both plasma-discharge-only and methane/air
plasma-enhanced combustion cases. NO formation occurs predominantly
through N2(v) + O NO + N for the plasmadischarge-
only case without combustion. The NO concentration
for the plasma-enhanced combustion case (5003500 ppm) was
an order of magnitude less than the plasma-discharge-only case
(800015 000 ppm) due to the reduction of plasma reactions by the
methane. Experiments show the linear decay of NO from equivalence
ratio 0.81.2 under the same flow condition and discharge
Index TermsNitric oxide (NO), plasma torch, plasma-assisted
combustion. PLIF平面激光诱导荧光火焰燃烧检测系统


