

北京盈盛恒泰科技有限责任公司是一家专业从事食品分析检测仪器和环境应急检测仪器的销售技术支持和售后服务工作公司目前是日本INSENT日本JWP意大利VELP美国FTC德国AIRSENSE德国OWR美国UNITY美国Navas美国FiltationEngineering等世界仪器制造商的ZG区营销合作伙伴和技术服务ZX,产品覆盖食品感官分析食品营养分析食品安全检测及环境应急监测等公司在香港北京上海广州成都海口银川等地设有分公司和办事机 An investigation was conducted to evaluate the capacity of an electronic metal oxide
semiconductor (MOS)-type nose (e-nose) to classify pork samples with different storage
times (06 d). The effects of the headspace-generation time and pork sample mass on
the response of the e-nose were studied using multivariate analysis of variance and oneway
analysis of variance, respectively. The results showed that the pork sample mass
had the most significant effect on the e-nose sensor response, followed by the headspacegeneration
time. The optimum parameters were 10 g of sample mass with 5 min of
headspace-generation time in a 500 mL vial. After either principal component analysis
or linear discriminant analysis, the results showed that the e-nose with the optimum
parameters can accurately classify the pork samples stored for 06 d. A method using a
back propagation neural network was also performed, and 91.43% of the prediction set (with
92.86% of the training set) was classified correctly using this model. 电子鼻-Z传感器生产商产品


