
Automated multiprotein complex production

A group of Scientists in EMBL (Europe Molecular Biology Laboratory) has developed a fully automated protein complex production system from cDNA, based on Tecan Freedom EVO workstation.

Structural and functional studies of many multiprotein complexes depend on
recombinant-protein overexpression. Rapid revision of expression experiments and
diversification of the complexes are often crucial for success of these projects; therefore,
automat ion is increasingly indispensable.We introduce Acembl, a versatile and
automatable system for protein-complex expression in Escherichia coli that uses
recombineering to facilitatemult igene assembly and diversification.We demonstrated
protein-complex expression using Acembl, including production of the complete
prokaryotic holotranslocon. Freedom EVO®全自动化液体处理工作站


